Thursday, 24 September 2020

Walking away from a problem

Hello. I had a longer video planned for today. I recorded it, watched it, thought it was ok, then had second thoughts, something needs editing out. I haven't edited a video before. There is a programme on my computer which can do that, so I thought I would give it a try. Oh my, backwards and forwards, find the bit I want to cut out, tying myself in knots, utterly baffled. The sun was shining and it was mid afternoon, I had to close down the computer and get outside. I need the sun on my face. 
I made this little video while walking around a field edge. 
I'll sort out the other video tomorrow. I may just re record it, that would be the simpler option, and a lot quicker. I need to get the hang of editing though. I'm a bit slow at learning new things, but once I have done something a few times, it eventually sinks in. 
Six miles done today, it was a lovely walk. I felt good as I was striding along. I always feel energised when out in the open air. Only a few more days to the end of the month, and the nine month marker for the walking challenge. the target is 750 miles, I have gone past that now. 
That's all for now, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. You're right about leaving a problem and getting out into the countryside to energise, it's the best strategy.

  2. Hope you get the video problem sorted. I waste a lot of time trying to get things sorted I don't like to be beaten.
    Looks it's going to be a nice day here so I want to finish cutting up the wood to small pieces from the tree my neighbour cut up for me.
    Hazel c uk🌈🌈🏊🏽‍♀️

  3. Its great to have a video to start my day off! And I love your use of shadows to give us a wave!.I am going for a long walk today at some point as long as the rain holds off.I need to because my brain is getting fuddled again.I really do think it is because the nights are drawing in fast now and those evenings spent in the garden are just a distant memory.I washed all my old canvas trainers that have seen me through another summer.I was going to throw them out but after looking again at them I thought that they will see me through summer next year,lol.No waste in this house!xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.