Sunday, 27 September 2020

Sunday Summary.

Hello. It's Sunday just after midday. 
Yesterday was an early start, woke at 4, got up at 5, went for a walk at 5.45, back for 6.45. Not so early this morning, woke at 6, got up at 7. A long chat with sister before breakfast. On the computer, now need to get off it so I'll knock this post out and close down. 
An update on the sweet tooth situation and making treats last. The egg custard tarts have gone, four in four days. The muffins have gone, I ate one whole when I got back from shopping on Friday, and cut the others in half so as not to pig out on them. It worked, they lasted a bit longer. 
I have four scones left, so they will last eight more days when cut in half. There are two and a half slices of fruit loaf left. I cut a slice in half because two would have been too much, and one would not have been enough. One and a half slices, just right. I have saved the best till last, and because the caramel slices have a longer date. Three slices left, so, cut in half they will take me to Friday if I eat a piece today. Or Saturday if I don't. Then I might think about going shopping again. My self discipline is getting better. The less sweet stuff I eat, the less I want. 
I made some more bunting. Didn't have enough stripy fabric to do the whole strip, it was a windbreak by the way, so I did alternate plain blue flags. 
I went round to Angela's last night, she wanted some help with bunting making. She has seen the video but wasn't quite sure about some of the details. We started from scratch and made the templates, then cut the fabric after deciding which colours she wanted to use. She had the machine out and sewed the seams, I ironed, now all she has to do is finish it off. We had a cheese sandwich and a glass of red wine. A very nice evening. 

At last I have sorted my pins out, throwing away all the bent ones, and making a new pin cushion. The old one was too small and the pins too cluttered and close together. This one is better, now I can get my finger between them to pull them out, and I know they are not bent. Bliss. 

Hey, look what I found in a skip the other day. It was full of builders rubble with this lamp shade sitting on top of it. The house was empty, someone is doing it up in between tenants. It's really big, 18 inches across, and made of metal so quite heavy. Not sure what I am going to do with it. I may keep it because a light inside would throw out patterns on the wall. 

That's it for now. Time for lunch. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That light shade is pretty! When I first saw it, I though it might be a foot stool that’s called a “ puff”.

  2. Replies
    1. I think it will have to be on a table. It's too heavy to hang on the ceiling. I'll give it a try.

  3. I would put a painted plywood circle on top of that lampshade and call it a side table.

  4. the sun has finally made an appearance here.

  5. You know it’s 2020 when your pin cushion reminds me of the Covid-19 graphic. 😂

    1. That's funny, I never thought of that. It was a random piece of fabric lying on the table, I cut a circle, gathered up the edge, and stuffed it. Yep, it's a virus.

  6. Good find! I recently bought two of those lampshades for my hall from The Range £25 each. Love them and the light fittings are ok to take the weight.

    1. I had to get an electrician to shorten the lighting wires so people could walk under them with out hitting their heads :) I checked with him that normal light fittings can take that weight and apparently they can.

  7. That is a very nice light shade, I think the wall patterns from that would be lovely.

  8. I agree with Marie,that it would look nice as a side table.Or even a plant stand.I suppose it all depends on what you need and where you have room for it.I am thinking that it may hang down too low to use as a lampshade from the ceiling.I love the bunting.It reminds me of seaside colours,like they used to have on the little huts that did the Punch and Judy shows on the beach.Thats going back a lot of years!xx

  9. Kim got there before me! I also thought your pin cushion resembles a magnified coronavirus. It would be good if the coronavirus was as big as your pin cushion because then w would not be breathing the little blighters in. Why not turn your "new" lampshade into a coronavirus artwork?

  10. oooooooo, get one of those battery powered electric "candles" in that shade.


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