Monday, 21 September 2020

I must make an effort.

I called in for a coffee at lunchtime, at my friend Angela's gaff. We are of the same ilk, make do and mend, recycle and reuse, and we both love second hand. She had been given a bag of clothes from a friend who was having a clear out, some of them didn't fit her so she offered them to me. 
I am not too fussed about being fashionable, baggy and comfy is me. Angela on the other hand always looks nice and makes an effort. She handed me garments from the bag, saying how about this then, it will fit you. I hesitated because skinny jeans are not something I would wear. I don't want people looking at my bum, and besides I don't think a 71 year old should be dressing like a teenager. She made me try them on. Amazing, they fit. Then she handed me some tops saying try this one. 
Some of the clothes were not my thing, I don't like cutoffs, or pedal pushers as I think they are called. They have to be regular length trousers or shorts, preferably baggy. I am not too keen on threequarter length sleeves either, I want to pull them down to my wrists. She went through the bag picking out what she thought I ought to wear. 
Here is the fashion show.  This is a beautiful shade of turquois, with a jewelled neckline. Lighter washed stretch denim jeans. 

I like pink. This is a really comfy and soft t shirt. 

The colour doesn't show very well on this picture, it's shades of maroon, orange, and green, stripes. Darker stretched denim jeans. 

And a lovely pair of soft leather boots, which fit me perfectly. 
Plain black long sleeved t shirt. 
And look at me now, back to my normal self, my baggy slobbing about the house clothes, ha ha. 
I promise I will make an effort and get dressed up in my new to me clothes. I think people will be shocked when they see my new image. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I think you look great in all the new clothes!

  2. I like the first top the best and you look great in all of those items. If you can look skinny in skinny jeans then enough said.

  3. I think your makeover looks fabulous Ilona. You look lovely and it does your slim figure justice. You look a million dollars! Go girl go !!!

  4. Wow Ilona - you look amazing in those jeans; a great fit that suits your figure; the 3 tops are nice as well and the black one can be worn under another top when the weather turns cold. Lucky you getting a pair of leather boots that fit - I never had that kind of luck when visiting charity shops :)

    1. I was chuffed to find that the boots could accommodate my bunions. The other two pairs of shoes offered were too tight.

    2. Ilona - I turned 75 last month - I still wear jeans when I go out but wear my baggies around the house cos they are more comfy :)

  5. A lot of nice clothes that are very handy for you, I wish I had a good friend to give me some new clothes I really liked the boots and I striped jumper. You were certainly a good mannequin. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Me and Angela look out for each other. We often swap things, not always clothes, but anything useful.

  6. wear what you like ...but your friend is right. The "new" things look good and the price was right!

    1. The price was perfect, passed on from another friend who no longer wanted them.

  7. You have such a nice figure! Do wear all the new to you clothing! Then I’ll come over and we will burn your old black pants together in the backyard!

    1. Now that's an idea, ha ha. A ceremonial cremation.

  8. Great fun and you look so happy! Check out your slim figure in the black top which really shows it off!

  9. You look amazing, Ilona, especially in the first outfit, it really suits your figure and hair colour. The new clothes take years off you and accentuate your lovely slim figure.

  10. Love your new look, made you look younger, I started wearing skinny jeans this year and love them.

  11. Some lovely garments there. I've just been given a skirt for free which I really like, but is miles too big. I shall take it in at the waist and if it doesn't go right then I've not lost anything. Arilx

    1. Skirts have such a lot of fabric in them. If it doesn't fit right, maybe make a cushion cover out of it.

  12. Ditto to all the comments that say the clothing looked great on you.

  13. All of those clothes looked great on you! And the fit was perfect.

  14. Wow. No one would think you are 71 with that figure. The clothes look fantastic on you and the pants are not skin tight....they just look lovely. Hope they are comfortable and you wear them! As Linda said...You go girl.Patty McDonald

    1. I was surprised at how comfortable the jeans were. It's been a long time since I tried any on. The stretchy fabric is a big improvement.

  15. Nice clothes and doesn't your hair colour set everything off very nicely! No more hiding! 🙂

    1. Yes, I am pleased with the colour. It is lightening slightly with every wash, but will last a good few months before it needs doing again.

  16. Ilona you look great in all of them clothes.

  17. You look amazing in those new clothes! All that walking looks good on you Ilona :)

  18. Your new clothes looks excellent. I am not a fashion person either but truly the clothes do make you look better!

  19. Anona, those clothes make you look amazing. My friend Joan is 82 and happily wears jeans. They are ageless and classic.

    1. Oops. I did of course mean Ilona... Anona is my southern softie friend :-)

    2. Not to worry, I've been called worse, ha ha.

    3. Cherie above mentioned her 82 yr old friend still wears jeans & Joan Collins whose 87 often wears them.
      I think wearing fashionable clothes make you feel younger, as long as they fit well.
      Smart casual for you from now on more sloppy Joe’s..:o)

  20. Looking fabulous Ilona. The green top really suits you.

  21. What fun to get all those new clothes, and for free.

  22. Ilona,those new to you clothes look brilliant.You look so trendy and young!.My Mam is 87 and she still wears jeans.I can understand that you dont want to get rid of your comfy clothes,because we have all got those and probably all been using them alot more in these past 6 months.But I must say that your new look is great!!.xx

  23. Once you get used to wearing those tighter fitting trousers (as long as they are comfy) you won't feel right in your baggy pants 😀.

  24. Ilona! You look AMAZING! And much younger! Gal, if you've got it, FLAUNT it!!!! I'd LOVE to look that good!

  25. You look very nice in the new to you cloths. Since Covid, I have been wearing favorite dressup items that lurk in my closet. Mostly around the house. Figuring if Covid gets me I would be annoyed with myself for not enjoying the pretty things more.

    1. That's a good idea. I used to have a cupboard full of best china, now I have chucked out the old stuff and use the best.

  26. I like your new look but I also like the old look. Maybe wear them on a date night?

    1. Now where do I find a date :o) Crikey, it's about 15 years since I had one of those.

    2. Well, you look 20 years younger, especially in the black...shouldn't be difficult!

  27. Skinny jeans are nice....until the cold weather hits and then I want my thermals underneath with a little bit of bagginess so there's some space for 'insulation'.
    I agree with everyone else, you look smashing! None of those clothes say "I'm trying to be young again", they are so classy and useful and will last a long time.
    Thank you for the fashion show!!

    1. I'm with you on that, Ruth. I though the secret of staying warm in the winter was baggy clothes and layers.

  28. Wow! I like the fashion show. The new clothes really make a difference and show your nice figure without being too revealing. In other words perfectly age appropriate. I wish I had a pair of those boots.

  29. The new clothes look really nice, all of them. I tend to wear baggy things too these days and that will continue until I can fit into my jeans again.

  30. You look great in all of those clothes. You don't have to switch to the skinny jeans, but now you have them to wear occassionally.

    1. Yes, I will wear the new gear to Crafty Club next week and see if I get a reaction. I think they might faint, ha ha.

  31. I hardly ever comment on blogs, but I have to say you look really good in the "new to you" clothes. They are not at all age inappropriate and really look good. Keep up the good work Ilona, I enjoy reading your adventures as well as your day to day life. Ro xx

    1. Thank you rosemarie. I am very pleased that you were prompted to comment.

  32. You look great in these new to you clothes. I am 78 but I don't want my looks to be restricted by my age. Wear what suits you, hides problem areas. My rule of thumb is I don't want you to be able to guess my age from a distance.

  33. You look fabulous - wear a bright scarf with the black top to hide the high neck as that makes ones' boobs look low slung (!) and you will be knockout. Those clothes take YEARS off you! Your figure is amazing.

  34. You have a fabulous figure, you look great in those jeans Ilona.

  35. You look stunning! In all kinds of way! Skinny jeans are definitely Your win-win sort of trousers! Baggy clothes are comfy and excellent for every day, but please, take one of this combinations even when You go to shopping! Best regards for my faaaaaaaavorite blog and lady blogger! <3

  36. You have a killer figure Ilona. Fabulous in those new outfits.

  37. Thank you all for your amazing comments. You are all fandabidozi. xxx

  38. You look great in all those clothes and the boots, but the jeans especially really suit you. Two different types of jeans for different occasions. Skinny jeans are good for tucking into wellies and walking boots with your warm socks pulled over, there's no excess of fabric folded over to annoy after a while.

  39. On a closer look at your boots,are they made by a company called FLY?.Ive got some,very much the same,by FLY,that I bought in a charity shop in Brighton about 8 years ago and they are still going strong n so comfy,xx

  40. I wish I had a friend like Angela, not just for clothes. She sounds like a good friend. I agree the skinny things look good.

    1. We have some fun, on the same wavelength. We can say what we like to each other, no need to pussyfoot around. Being honest is a good thing.

  41. I like the new clothes on you. Very flattering.

  42. I like your new slim jeans, they suit you, and my favorite outfit is the first one with the turquoise top. Are you going to go out to a pub and be seen? I am a bit older than you and wear skinny jeans, I think they are age appropriate for us.

  43. Score! Everything looks great. Very slimming.

  44. The turquoise top & the pink one are my favs on you with your hair coloring. All of these clothes look good on you & fit well. Lucky Lady. Enjoy. Mary Ann Cauthen

  45. you look great in all of the new outfits, lovely and slim x

  46. You look soooo good in those outfits and those jeans show off how great your body is!! Flaunt it if you have it and you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. You look good. Must be all that walking. Your suite looks like mine, bought at furniture village

    1. My suite cost me £50, bought 16 years ago from a friend who emigrated. It's lovely and comfy.

  48. I love the new tops and jeans they really suit you as you have a really nice figure from all the walking i guess do dress up now and then and wear your comfy clothes indoors. I don't fillow fashion but i do like clothes jewellery and some make up x

  49. Ilone, You look so great! Such a nice, trim figure! We’re the same age and I think it’s perfectly fine to wear jeans at our age!

  50. The black top and jeans look GREAT on you!

  51. You are looking wonderfully fit and beautiful Ilona! Since I retired 5 years ago I forget to check in every day and see what you are doing. I’m going to set a reminder because you are such an inspiration to me.

    1. Hello Lily, nice to see you, welcome back. Best wishes.


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