Thursday, 17 September 2020

Part of the family.

Hello, it's sunny here. Strange weather we're having, one day overcast and rainy, next day the sun is out. I'll get this done, then go out. 

My Creator Monthly landed in the email box this morning from yoooootoooob. It's like a Newsletter, with stats to tell me how I'm doing with the numbers of subscribers, how many views and minutes watched, how many likes, comments, posts, and shares. Most of it I'm not really interested in. I just check into the channel now and again to tidy things up, and see if I have missed any incoming comments. It's only a hobby for me. 

There are also hints and tips on how to increase visitor numbers, create more interesting content, generally polish things up, and work on promoting it to a wider audience. Here's a bit of blurb to fire me up. 

Hey Meanqueen Superscrimper,
This month, get out of your comfort zone and find ways to change up your content, deepen connections with your audience, and lean into fan support. See how other creators are mixing it up and seeing lasting results — so you can apply these strategies to your own channel. Let's get into it!

They then give me some links to other Channels which will inspire me with ideas. I could try this.......

Our channel members love bonus videos, so we try and give them fun videos they wouldn't normally see on our channel. It's a place for us to experiment with new ideas but also connect with our audience and get feedback from some of our most devoted viewers. After we started taking memberships seriously, so did our audience and membership revenue has grown in the past few months to a point where we're now really paying attention.

Another yoootooober suggests this..........

RPM gives you a full snapshot of all your earnings, from Channel Memberships, YouTube Premium, Super Chat, Super Stickers, and Ads, across all your views. In short, use this to track your revenue performance so you can hone your content, growth, and earning strategies. Take a look at this helpful video.

Or I could do this......

We knew that more than subscribers & view counts - it would be a community of paying members that would support us. So that's what we have done - built a small community that supports, us.

And if I want to I could take part in a Boot Camp..........

Get ready to pump up your channel with the help of our boot camp classes. It’s easy – just pick your course and you’ll be flexing your new YouTube powers in no time.

Google is very keen to encourage me to be part of the family, they are very supportive if anyone wants to start their own Channel. What they don't know is that I am happy to pootle along in my own sweet way, in my own time. I wondered if they might dump me because I don't have any adverts, so they won't be making any money from me. I hope they let me carry on as I am because it's fun to do, and it keeps me busy. If I suddenly disappear they might have decided I am not worth the bother. 

Blogger is part of the same family, so I hope there won't be any massive shake ups. I've had quite a lot of free entertainment from both over the years. 

Going for a walk. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Good Lord!!it's all gobledy gook to me, I didn't realize all that went into what you do, hope we don't lose you Ilona, I love your blog. Margaret x

  2. Why, oh why do they meddle with such things. Is it all about money for them? Don't they realize that it's not about them? Honestly, can't they just go away and leave the rest of us in peace to enjoy the content that contributors like you, Ilona, offer. I'd surely miss your postings if you disappear as I learn from them and they give me pleasure. You have the right attitude, though. Carry on!!!

    1. Blogger and yoootooob are businesses. As long as they don't want me to pay to post videos and blog, I'll keep doing it.

  3. Please dont ever ever change.We love your blog just as it is!!xx

  4. It's all about how much money they can put in their pockets. Sounds like multi-level marketing to me or a union/strike rally. Rah Rah sis sis boom bah make us a lot of money.

  5. Gawd - imagine if you had to take all that crap seriously!! "Lean into fan support"?? They don't know you're living wild - haha.

    1. Some take their yoootooob channel very seriously because it can bring in a good income if they are prepared to put the hours in.

  6. Felt well chuffed today. Used hard cash in two shops! Plus some change to stash away into my piggy bank. Even better!!

    1. Good for you. I always make sure I have enough cash in my purse before I go out. I'll do an Aldi shop tomorrow night and pay with cash.

  7. Yes I get the same email every month and I only have about half a dozen film clips on my YouTube page, and as they are there mainly for me there are definitely no adverts or money making potential. But there are so many youngsters making a career out of YouTube at the moment it is a huge thing and they are making thousands a year enough to be able to cite it as their job. And then of course there is TikTok, I'm definintely steering clear of that one!!

    1. No, I won't be doing tiktok either. I've seen a few and they are very childish.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.