Wednesday, 23 September 2020


Hello. It's been a miserable day today, different from the sunshine of yesterday. I did my usual walk, five miles, and my friend Angela decided to come with me. She didn't have anything pressing to do at home, and it made a nice change to have some company. 
We found a lot of black bin bags dumped in the wood, full of cannabis plant root balls and compost. There must have been at least 30 bags or more in three separate piles. The Council have put, 'No vehicles' signs up at each end of the track, but that doesn't seem to deter the fly tippers. The only way to stop it is to install gates, or cameras. I don't think that will happen. 
It is pheasant rearing season, they are running across the fields, sometimes taking flight if they can't run fast enough to get out of the way. The shooters will be out in a few weeks, ready to blast them out of the sky. Cruel nasty horrible people. 
We walked through the playing field and did our exercises on the outdoor gym. Well Angela did, I just played on the zip wire. Help, I can't get off it. 

Today I have been making more bunting. Now I'm going to read some blogs. I don't think the weather is going to be very good tomorrow. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Its been raining here in Leicester most of the day as well.No walk done at all today,just a visit down the road to my Mam to make sure she is alright.I really need to cheer myself up,it has just been one of those days!!xx

  2. I've never tried a zip wire, it looks like fun.
    Raining and windy here today so I'm not setting foot out the door.

  3. i am always grateful to the cannabis dumpers , into the big compost bin at home a couple of sacks usually go and as a bonus they sometimes chuck the big pots and trays as well ....we live very rurally and its nice to see so many people grow there

    1. I love your comment Kate. That is just the sort of thing I would do. At least it saves the Council (at the rate payers' expense) clearing it and people get free pots, etc.

  4. just seen something on the north east news about fly tipping of cannabis root balls and production equipment, you were ahead of the game on tis one. BTW love the zip wire


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.