Sunday, 13 September 2020

What title shall I give this one?

Good Morning and Hello Sunday. Thank you for your contributions on the previous post, even those who expressed annoyance about the content. There was a distinct air of anger from some of them. You can bash me all you like, use me as an outlet for your anger if it makes you feel better, but it won't silence me. The haters always have the option of not coming here again. Exercise your free will, your choice. 

Thank you to the people who sent personal messages via email, you have a good understanding of the plandemic situation. Hang on to your beliefs. Knowledge is a useful tool to help you navigate through your life. 

My thirst for knowledge will not be dampened. I have been called selfish among other things. This is far from the truth. I am deeply concerned about the future for our children and grand children, even though I don't have any. Just because I chose to remain childless does not mean I don't have empathy for our future generations. Families do matter, children need a stable environment to flourish and prosper. The fear that we are projecting onto them at the moment is likely to have a lasting effect. Yes, some of them are resilient and will move on, but some of them wont. Nightmares about being forced to wear a mask will take a long time to fade. 

I walked past a playground the other day and thought how lovely it was to see the park buzzing. Kids screaming and laughing and having fun. Parents supervising, and not a mask in sight. 

I prefer to live in the now and the future, no point dwelling on the past. Yes awful things happened. My mother was left homeless wandering the streets of Hamburg with a child in a pram. Her house flattened by British bombs. Her parents were sent to Auchwitz, I never knew them. My family was decimated by the war. Don't let a dictatorship like the Nazi's happen again. Now I am getting emotional because I feel for our kids future.

Don't direct your anger at me, that is futile. Instead stop living in fear, no one is going to live forever, death is something we all will have to face. Cherry pick your news and information from different places, do not be blinkered by believing everything that is in main stream media. I think I have waffled on long enough about that, now it's down to you. Choose which path you want to take, and take responsibility for your own lives. 

And breath.......

What did I do yesterday? A comment came onto our village facebook page that someone had found litter at the carpark picnic area. It's a quiet place on the edge of the village. I went to have a look and to pick it up, there is a bin nearby. The crop of sweetcorn is taller than me in the adjacent field. 

Ready for the bin.
Alas, I found not only the litter, but a whole lot of flytipping as well. This is just some of it, no need to bore you with more pictures. I sent an email to the Council, they will need a truck and some operatives to pick it up. 
Looks like it could be a nice day weatherwise. I did a 6 mile walk yesterday and my mileage is well up. It will be a Billy dog walk later. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Sadly that picture is repeated just about everywhere, Councils are facing an up-hill battle against a rising tide of fly-tipping despite providing civic amenity sites with skips for every kind of waste.

  2. Lovely blog again, and written with such courage.
    As for fly tipping, we haven't seen any in our vicinity, but no doubt there will be some spots hidden here and there which do suffer from fly tipping.
    As for walking, I keep meaning to do it but have not been able to formulate a daily habit yet!

  3. Well said Ilona. It's increasingly difficult voice any sort of opinion that conflicts with the government world agenda be it brexit, covid or climate change.
    No one really doubts that there now exists another rather nasty virus and i have certainly seen some very sick people who have passed away. BUT the numbers just dont add up. I am a Nurse. I am dealing with far more people who have been made redundant, have had no access to mental health services, have missed vital screening treatments, been abandoned by dentists, GPS and therapists, let alone the loss of future hopes and dreams for our young people than I have families affected by covid.
    After 30 years working in health and social care, I am still sorry when people pass away especially before living a long happy life. Yet I accept this will happen.
    I cannot accept the dismantling of our culture, support systems or educational institutions.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean that the numbers don't add up? For me, it's not just the number of people who have died (over 190k in the U.S.), but the people who have had their health ruined by the virus and those who may have health issues as a result, which has made them lose their future hopes and dreams. Those numbers could have been so much lower if people had taken the necessary steps at the beginning and even now. I guess I don't think of any of those systems mentioned as being dismantled, but put on hold. I go to church, I meet up with friends, I take classes. I see people making the best of a bad situation in the hope that they can reduce the lives lost and get back to a more normal life. You say you accept that people will die. I wonder if your children died or became disabled, would you still have the same attitude, especially knowing that by being uncomfortable for just a fraction of your life, they might be alive or not disabled today. Maybe yes, I don't know--it's definitely not an attitude I'm comfortable with, but I know there are plenty of people who are. If you use WWII as an analogy, perhaps if the world had done its part earlier, so many people would not have died in the death camps.

    2. Every death in a care facility that is under quarantine is recorded as a COVID death (even if it's an expected death from Cancer or other underlying cause).

      I have yet to meet anyone who has tested positive and I have worked throughout the pandemic, five shifts a week. Our ICU is full of drug overdoses and hasn't had a COVID patient since May. Our COVID ward is currently the least populated ward in the hospital.

      The media is relaying what various levels of government want the public to know and think. It's actually frightening how quickly people obeyed the call to stay home and shelter in place.

      For a worldwide pandemic, the death toll is actually quite low. But then we will never know the real number of deaths in China because who trusts the government there?

    3. Thank you Justme and 50 and counting, we need more people like you to come forward and tell the truth. It is frightening that people are still willing to go along with the force fed narrative from mainstream media.

  4. Try to remember that not all people who disagree with you are "haters". :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I hate litterers, I really, really hate litterers! Do they do the same in their own homes and yards? I imagine them sitting around the table or on the sofa, tossing away their rubbish all willy-nilly until the room is too full to move around in, so they then shovel it out the door and sit down again....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I completely support your views, Ilona. We're being caged and muted and prepared for maximum submission. Keep voicing your informed opinions!

    1. I will Anna. I have tried to be reasonable and allow people to voice their opinions, but there comes a time when comments have to be deleted when they become personal.

  8. Totally agree with you Ilona. I have lost Facebook friends due to my opinions about the virus, I refuse to wear a muzzle and be ruled by faceless men in grey suits who have decided to play God and run our lives. They are gradually being turned into a laughing stock and there are not enough police to enforce fines. More people are also realising what a huge scam this all is.

    1. Thank you Linda. I have put myself in the firing line here, because I must speak up about what I believe. Thankfully people are waking up.

    2. Am I being thick ilona but why would the Government want to lie to us about the seriousness of the virus? I do wear a mask when required and I don’t socialise as much because I don’t want to take even the smallest risk of catching what could potentially be a deadly virus. I know we could get flu or pneumonia anyway but why add COVID to the list?
      I’m so confused....HELP! :o)

    3. I believe there is an agenda behind the virus/pandemic fear.

      People have been ordered home and to stay there. Businesses have been destroyed. Cash is being replaced by cards or electronic transfers. Depending on where in the world you are, there are trial runs of a guaranteed income without having to work. In my country, you got $2k per month to stay at home. The family net door is taking in $12k per month. Most of the family made less than $1400 a month as they worked small part time jobs.

      There is something afoot in the halls of power but they are not sharing.

    4. You are not thick, I used to be confused when it all started. At first I went along with what I was being told on mainstream media. But then I had a niggling doubt in my mind, something did not seem quite right. So I looked into it. Google is a useful tool, put a few words in the address bar and a list of sites will come up. A lot of suggestions came from videos on youtube, so I clicked on them and started to watch and listen. Some of it made sense to me. I was beginning to see project fear unfold. Scare people half to death and you will get them to do what you want them to do. It has been discovered that the number of reported deaths were doctored, the death certificates were marked as dying of covid when they died of other things. People were deliberately shipped out of hospital into care homes. They infected other people consequently many died because the care home staff didn't have the resources to deal with it. They emptied the hospitals to make way for covid admissions. They built new nightingale hospitals, just like the Chinese did. They have hardly been used and lie empty.

      The handling of the whole thing has either been gross incompetence, or has sinister implications. You ask why the government want to lie to us. A lot of people will instantly dismiss the possibility of anything untoward going on, but there are those who on the other hand are beginning to have their suspicions that this is about politics, and the virus is just a small part of it. People need to be asking more questions, and not taking everything they read in the mainstream media as gospel.

      Questions like, why do they report daily numbers, they haven't done it before for other diseases. Keeping up the fear is a way way of controlling. Read reports from scientists and doctors, many now are speaking up. Read up about the testing, why are they reporting x amount of new cases? What is a case exactly, someone who is in hospital dying, or, at the other end of the scale, someone who has no symptoms at all? The testing is not conclusive, so many false positives, it's not reliable. Why are they starting to go door to door in Birmingham to ask people to take a test? Project fear again, keeping up the numbers. Why is the Office of National Statistics sending letters to people offering to pay them to take the test, and not just one test, several over a year. A figure of £450 has been quoted. How much has the government spent on vaccines which are being rushed through and which won't be reliable? They will have to pay out millions in insurance claims to those who have suffered adverse reactions. Who is going to supply the vaccines? Bill Gates has a hand in this.

      The biggest question to ask is when is this all going to end? Are we going to have to wear masks forever, will we be locked down intermittently for the rest of our lives? Of course people would never stand for that and rightly so. Or can we all get on with our lives and let herd immunity sort it out.

      This is far too complex for a reply in a comment, and I don't know everything. I've tried and no doubt my reply will bring yet another wave of abuse. It's getting late and I am tired. I suggest you look at yoootooob videos. Sky news Australia is a good one, they are subject to even more draconian lockdown laws, than we are. But at least their presenters tell it like it really is.

    5. Thanks for your reply ilona. I will take a look at some of the youtubes suggested the whole thing is enough to send us barmy never mind catching any virus.

    6. At one point I had to detach myself from everything that was going on because it was sending me barmy. It's ok to bury your head in the sand to save your sanity. But then curiosity got the better of me, I needed to understand what was going on. I must say I feel a lot calmer now, because I have a better understanding. I am not frightened any more, I have accepted that there are some things that I cannot change, but there are also things I can do to allay my fears and keep myself safe. Knowledge is power.

  9. All viruses have the potential to be deadly. You can even die from a germ getting into a tiny cut and causing sepsis. Life is all about getting on with it, not living in fear.

    1. I agree we shouldn’t live in fear but do believe we should take extra caution when a new virus we don’t understand has killed thousands and thousands of people throughout the World.

    2. In the beginning it was new territory, but as time goes on more information has emerged. We still have to be cautious when going about our daily business. At the end of the day everyone should be doing what they think is best for themselves. We should not be relying on the government for instructions on how to live our lives. Personal responsibility has to be mostly down to the individual.

    3. Hi Linda, you are right!
      I survived sepsis caused by a nasty germ on a quilter's safety pin!. This was in 2011, just one year after I was diagnosed with cancer.
      I survived both, managed to get on with my life without living in fear, but being grateful every new day I may add to my life.
      Life is a gift. To be handled with CARE.
      Stay safe, sound and well informed.


  10. I have had several routine doctors appointments quite recently. I took the opportunity to ask my internist, at a very large family practice in Houston, Texas, how many COVID patients he had seen. His answer was eight or nine and he added that none of them turned out to be serious requiring hospitalization. My cardiologist said he needed to do an angiogram on me and I asked him if he thought it was a good idea with the COVID situation. He brushed off my comment and said I would be fine. I do not know anyone who has contracted COVID although according to the newspaper and tv news the neighborhood should be at a standstill with the plague. I do think the numbers are being presented according to political whims and I think there is a very strong and dangerous undercurrent at play.

    1. Thank you Mona for your comment. Continue to watch and learn. I wish you well.


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