Friday, 18 September 2020


I thought I would make some single decorations with felt scraps. It's also a good way to use up shorter pieces of embroidery silks. The centre pieces are from children's bracelets. I have stiffened them with cardboard in between the back and front. Doing a little bit of embroidery is quite relaxing. I will possibly make some more later on, but I have other ideas waiting to be started. 

It's the weekend folks, how time flies. I'm off to Aldi in half an hour, so I'll say Tattybyes and Toodle pip. Ilona. 


  1. The decorations are great and will appeal to everyone.
    Hope you got some bargains at Aldi.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Thank you. I had some similar decorations last year at the Christmas Fair, and they sold well.

      Only two other customers in the shop, no stress, so easy. Spent too much though, ha ha. Now relaxing with a mug of hot choccy and a muffin. Bliss.

  2. Have a good weekend Ilona. Hope you get lots of bargains at Aldi. Your decorations are great!

    1. Thank you. I got a bag of salad leaves with 30% off. I'm sticking with Aldi, they are cheaper than Tesco.

  3. Love aldi, they do some really good vegi food as well.

    Have you looked at the crafts on pinterest? Some really good ideas on there.

    I have just made a couple of framed pictures using pebbles I got from the beach. I'm not artistic at all but I'm really happy with the way they have turned out. Made the pebbles into little birds, sitting on a branch. Frames were £3 from wilko, deeper than picture frames.
    I thought of your blog when I was doing them.

    1. I did look at the crafts on Pinterest once, as you say, some good ideas. I don't go back because I get my inspiration from lots of different places.

      Your pebble picture sounds nice. Did you varnish them? Well done.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. I just think I am better at practical hobbies, rather than academic stuff.

  5. They are beautiful so cool and colourful x

  6. Your imagination and handiwork are wonderful, Ilona. I admire both of those things in you. ~Andrea

  7. Love those decorations. I do miss not been able to shop at Aldi, there isn't one locally.

    1. I am thankful that we have a smaller Aldi not too far away. I wondered if they might close it when the new bigger store opened on the retail park. They didn't, because it's close to high rise flats and housing, so it's easy for people to walk there. A short drive in the car for me.

  8. Love that you treated yourself to all those sweetie goodies when you're usually so disciplined, you're right, you are worth it, but watch for out for cavities as dentists aren't functioning as normal :-). Love your blogs and your youtube channels. You are very wise. I really enjoy your crafting, would love you to do some more crafting on video so we can learn some things. looking forward to your next Youtube video. Enjoy your sugar party.

  9. These are simply beautiful.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.