Friday, 25 September 2020

Coffee time chat with Mayze.

Hello. It's crazy windy out there, I've just taken Billy dog for a walk and we nearly got blown over. Now the sky is going a darker shade of grey, I think a storm is brewing. The veg is steaming in the pan, and will be ready in fifteen minutes. Carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and Brussel Sprouts tonight. 
I haven't tackled the video editing yet, I decided to make another one instead. I will play around with some old videos then it won't matter if I make a mess because they are already out there on yooootooob. 
A new brand of coffee and some more bunting on this one, with my co star Mayze 
I will leave you to it, I need to pop into the kitchen to check on my dinner. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. 


  1. Your video was enjoyable as always Ilona. It's very refreshing to hear some sense and reason from a kindred soul. Totally agree with your viewpoints, I find seeing shoppers wearing masks extremely intimidating. I don't wear a mask myself for personal reasons. I too avoid crowds if possible, but these days I'm beginning to feel the only safe place is my home and garden. I cant believe that a virus has been allowed to change lives for the worse in only seven months. But it's not so much about the virus now, its rules, regulations and control. Those of us who still strive to preserve the 'old normal'need to stick together.

    1. I saw a picture today taken from a security camera, two men wanted for questioning about an attack. They were both wearing masks, a perfect disguise for criminals. Faces should be visible.

  2. Oh I feel totally spoilt as I have had 2 of your videos to watch today!.I really do enjoy them and I need cheering up!.Reason being,as I was leaving to go out for a long walk this afternoon,I happened to glance in the garden and my beautiful little escape room...well my gazebo,lol..had broken its lockdown and was ready to escape into next door...or maybe even the house after that.Hubby tutted and mumbled words of ..I told you that would happen.He was more annoyed because he had to venture out into the freezing wind to try and save it.Well although we manage to stop it harpooning the people next door,it was bent and buckled.It took us over an hour to get the furniture,bunting,chairs,coffee table,books,pictures and cozy covers out and try and fold it back together.My tomato plants got trampled on by him...I didnt mention my annoyance at that,as he wasnt in the best of moods,lol.Anyway,at this moment in time it is crumpled up like a huge dead spider at the side of the garden..broke never to rise again.I am gutted!!.Although I did manage to salvage all the sides to it.Im sure that you have said that you have made things out of this material before.I think the first thing I will make is a cut out hankie so I can have a little cry about it!!I never did get my walk...never mind,there is always tomorrow.xx

  3. Smiles boost the immune system too and cheer the day up 😀😀

  4. We just had a wind and rain storm a few days ago. Today the sky was quite nice but it is clouding over again. I like the new clothing. I saw your haul in one of your posts and I'm glad to see you wearing them because they fit you well.

  5. Mayze is darling! Your new top is darling too, Ilona. I rather like the rhinestones on it... and I like the buntings too. ~Andrea

  6. I live in a rural area in Georgia, USA, and I look forward to reading your posts and your photos. I love your coffee comments since I am a coffee lover also. You have found a very favorable color for you - the turquoise blouse. It is very becoming. You offer good tips for eating right, walking, crafts, etc. I have 5 cats, so I love seeing your Mayze also. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Mary Ann Cauthen

  7. The bunting is lovely. I especially like the one that you have splashed with paint. It looks like you tie-dyed it. Can you please tell me what type of paint you used and if it went hard on the material at all.

    1. Hi. It is silk paint, spirit based. Fix by steaming or microwave. After I splashed it about I sprayed it with water so it bled, then hung it on the line to dry, then ironed it. You could experiment with watered down acrylic paint if you want to give it a try. I have used acrylics on fabric before, it works ok.

    2. Hi Ilona. Thank you ever so much for that. I have got some acrylic paint already, so will give it a try xx

  8. What is all that bunting for Ilona? Is The Real Queen coming to Sunny Scunny? The thirdhand new top looks quite glamorous and the colour suits you.

    1. Hello YP. I usually sell stuff like this at our Christmas fair, but we are not having one this year. There is a local pharmacy in the next village who are looking for local hand made gifts to sell, I'm hoping I can get some of my crafty makes in there. What I have left can be kept for the Summer Fair next year.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.