Monday 10 October 2022

A new friend for Mayze.

Good morning. I was wide awake at 5.30am this morning, so I got up and had a coffee, and was out of the house by 6.15am for a walk. Look what I found when I came downstairs. Mayze has a new friend. At first she was rather cautious and gave Gloria a wide berth. Now it looks like she has spent the night with her. When I went to bed last night, Mayze had burrowed underneath the fleecy blanket on the sofa. She must have got up at some point and found a better place to sleep. I had to laugh. 
I did the three mile walk around the village, watching the street lights go off one by one as the darkness turned to daylight. The air was fresh and unpolluted, it was a pleasure to take deep breaths. The moon looked bright in the sky. Lights were coming on as people get ready for a new day. Curtains remained closed where those inside had no need to get up early. I arrived back home refreshed, and found Mayze wide awake. 
Breakfast was porridge, but not just any old porridge. I add extras to mine. First I put the porridge oats into a food processor, along with seeds and nuts. This grinds it all to a powder. Then I store it in an airtight Tupperware box. Two spoons of that in a Pyrex bowl with water. I usually add frozen fruit at this stage but I have run out. Need to get some when next in Aldi. I added half a banana, used the other half yesterday. Need to get some more bananas. I remembered I had some little pots of fruit puree, bought for camping but didn't eat them. When the porridge was ready I added a pot of this. It was lovely. 
I can't remember how much these were, look on the baby food section. The date is June 2023. Good idea to keep a few of these in the cupboard when you run out of fresh fruit. Can be eaten hot or cold, added to rice pudding, maybe heated and added to sponge pudding. Would be enough in one pot for two or three puddings. 
Now I need Mayze to move because I have a bit more to do to finish Gloria. I need to stitch her hands on, and maybe I will change her top. She needs some shoes as well. Then she will be ready for a photo shoot. 
It's looking like a sunny day. Thanks for popping in. Catch ya later.   Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I love the way mayzie is snuggling up to Gloria haha very funny.i would love to know what our cats are thinking sometimes.i think she thinks it's a new friend in her life lol Jo dorset🌈

    1. She is snuggled up with her this morning. I think Gloria will have to stay where she is for the time being.

  2. As Mayze appears to be fine with Gloria
    I was wondering if she would be staying a while - If so I hope she helps you around the house and doesn't take advantage of your hospitality Ilona x

    1. Seems strange to have another person in the house. I suppose I will get used to it.

  3. Awww Mayze will be sad to see her new friend go. Can’t she stay here with me mother?? Gloria seems to be quite tall. She looks lovely in all her colors 😊😊

  4. Good morning Ilona Gloria is looking very well and colourful with Mayze you did a great job. Will she mainly be indoors or go to the garden on dry days?

    1. My original idea was for her to add colour to the garden seating area. She would probably last a couple of year out in all weathers. Now I think she will stay indoors and I can use her as a prop for photography. I will take her out in the car to see if she likes that ;o)


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