Sunday, 2 October 2022

Preparing for the future

Hello. It's a sunny Sunday morning, the weather looks promising. Best not to waste it. Here is a video I put out yesterday. Are you preparing for the future? Changes are a coming, prices of just about everything are rising. Get ready for the ride. 

Enjoy your Sunday. We will catch up later. Toodle pip.    ilona


  1. Excellent video as always Ilona. Long life milk either dairy or plant based also has a good shelf life. Tinned or packet soup is also a good standby. I always kept a good store cupboard as I spent years as a single person and didn’t have the kind of neighbours who’d shop for me if I was ever unwell. I’ve still got a book by John Yeoman calked Self Reliance which I still refer to. I don’t agree with everything in it particularly where he talks about eating wild animals if necessary but there are some good tips about foraging and preserving food.

    1. I can see you are well organised. I tried the cheap packet minestrone cuppa soup from Aldi last week and found it surprisingly thick and tasty.

  2. Lovley new top you have on Ilona that will keep you snug and warm.the chat from you was great and you are always a cheerfull soul to watch Jo dorset🌈

  3. How this made me smile.My Ady insisted on us stocking up on all sorts before he passed. Tins, freezer, soap, gas canisters for the camp stove, looking rolls. And Ilona, you would not believe how many torches that man had lol. I wonder if he was right to be so prepared ☺ he always used to say we'd end up going back to the horse and cart day's ☺ bless him for leaving me provided for. He always did look after me 💓💕💖 Clayre

    1. He was right, Clayre. Some people have a sixth sense about such things.

  4. And if we do get cut off from the leccy. I've enough torches to light up Buckingham Palace and Balmoral 😅 certainly won't be walking around in the dark xxx

    1. Same here. I have a torch in my pocket when I go from room to room.

  5. As things are increasing in price I'm finding alternatives or not purchasing - I will manage as so long as it's vegetarian I'm not fussy - My only concern is my dogs food so I'm gradually including different foods for them just in case there may be problems in the future with shortages or prices - then hopefully their tummies won't react x

    1. Knowing your pets eating habits will guide you to making the right choices.

  6. Great tips Illona. My brother, who is in his late seventies and living in the UK, is preparing for a harsh winter and a big increase in heating bills. I have never heard him mention anything about hardship before but this time he is concerned. Have you ever thought of buying a below zero sleeping bag for yourself and a nice hot water bottle with a thick cover for Mazie. Food prices here in Texas are off the wall high and seem to increase each week. Hang in there Illona you seem to be in full control of what's coming at us all.

    1. I have two hot water bottles, and three duvets on the bed. Yes, price increases are insane. We have to figure out new recipes for meals using cheap but nutritious ingredients.

  7. Patty McDonald So Ca.2 October 2022 at 22:31

    Excellent video to make people aware of what may happen. Being prepared is the key. I've read that most food in tins is good for 5 years past the expiration date. If the can isn't damaged and, after opening, it smells fine, use it. Also, stock up on food for your animals. We have extra bags of lay mash and scratch for the chickens and extra dog food stored. It's equally important to store it in containers that rain, ants, and critters cannot get into. One last thing is we are shopping for planting seeds for next spring now. We've always had a garden but we are making sure we have seed for next year. There will be inconveniences but we'll have to adjust. Our biggest problem is staying cool in summer. When temps hit 100* this summer, we had the air con at 80* and used fans. Our electric bill was still enormous. Next summer we may have to nix the air con and only use fans.

    1. Your preparations sound really good, ready for anything. We will survive.

  8. you are a wise ,sensible lady who keeps it real ,and thank you for the great tips. Love the jacket .The cats will love it too, no doubt. Very cosy .

  9. A very nice jacket which will keep you warm and comfy for years. I've been buying a few extras for put away for what will possibly be a hard autumn and winter and your suggestions on foods to buy are very helpful. What a good idea to write the expiry dates in large letters on the packets - hope you don't mind if I pinch it :-) !

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. Hello Amanda. The dates are always hard to find. Big numbers hit you in the face when you open the cupboard door. Keep cupboard tidy, stacking same types of foods together.

  10. I LOVE your jacket mother!!! It looks so fuzzy and warm. You have everything right and have spotted out exactly how things will be going. I feel sorry for young people trying to get started in life, it’s going to make it so hard.

    1. Yes, I feel for young people. They are at the mercy of those who have no qualms about exploiting the young and vulnerable for their own monetary gain. There is very little chance that they will be able to get on the housing ladder and buy their own property. This is why we must keep pushing for freedom of choice in a free society.


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