Monday, 3 October 2022

Flying Fanny the photographer.

Yes, that really was my CB handle when I was a trucker. Yesterday I indulged myself with my passion. I walked around Truckfest with a big grin on my face. I thought I might be a bit sad that I am no longer involved with transport, but as I looked around, met people, chatted, it became quite clear that us oldies have to move on to make room for the fresh new blood coming in to take our place. Nothing lasts forever, there are new experiences to explore. Leave the old life behind but go back now and again for a visit, just to remind ourselves that yes, we did contribute something to society. The job I did was valuable. Everything that we use, consume, borrow, and bought, was transported on a truck at some point. 
Oh boy, I have some photo's and videos. Here is me in my new life, Superscrimper, Penny Pincher, and photographer. 
Every year I see improvements and updates in new trucks. The drivers who bring their vehicles to the shows are mighty proud to show them off, and so they should be. They get the best paint jobs, they adorn their trucks with lights, and flags, the interiors are customised to perfection. 
Every truck owner has their own style. Some are sleek and sophisticated, some are outlandishly decorated with murals. For this one, a simple company name, and lashings of TLC are all that is needed.

Larger company owners are proud to show off their fleet.

I love wreckers. This truck has to be capable of recovering the big heavies. I think this would be the ideal job for me. Sent out on a mission to help someone who has broken down or had an accident. Dream on baby, I should have started driving years before I did. 

There are not many of these bull nosed trucks about in this country. It's hard to spot them on the road. Craig is a well established Scottish firm. They do a lot of general haulage.
Dodds have been transporting goods for many years. Their trucks can regularly be seen at Truckfest. look at all the trophies they have won. A Volvo FH12, the same make and model that I used to drive for B&Q. 

Spotted in the line up. The driver was nowhere to be seen. probably gone a walkabout. 

Smart new 8 wheeled tipper lorry. Or 8 legger in trucker language. We used to have to sheet loaded vehicles manually before hitting the road. Now they have it rolled up at the front and all it takes is a pull on a lever from ground level and the arms on the sides raise and pull the sheet over automatically. A big improvement. 

The driver loves his lights. This company has several vehicles. Bosses often allow their drivers to customise their truck. Sometimes at the drivers expense, but some of them will pay for the decorations. All good advertising for the company. 

Here we see a customised truck taken to another level. More pics of these to come on the next posts. The bigger Truckfests have a whole lot more of these fancy paint jobs. The Scottish, the Irish, and the Dutch drivers really go to town on this. 
I will get up out of this chair now, and be back later with more trucking posts. Although I was on my feet all day yesterday I don't count that in my walking miles. I need to go a proper walk today. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Some cracking pics there!

  2. Oh what beautiful trucks! My dad loves those programmes with the recovery trucks, and is amazed at how they always find a way to help.

    1. Recovery drivers are the best of the best. That's why they close roads at the scene of an accident involving large vehicles.

  3. I can’t imagine doing a truck that big

    1. I am not sure what you mean by doing a truck.

    2. I commented on the wrong post. It was meant to be on another post of yours. Sorry.

    3. Driving a truck. Not doing a truck

  4. Great photos and sounds like you had a good day out. Love the CB handle. I used to hitch hike a lot when I was younger and often got picked up by lorry drivers. Would have seriously considered lorry driving as a career if I’d been taller. I think I’d have loved life on the road.

    1. My CB handle certainly made a lot of people smile. One of the agency jobs which I liked was picking up and delivering new vehicles on trade plates. Hitching to where it was kept, delivering it, and hitching back home.

  5. Wow!!! Look at all those paint jobs!! So nice and shiny. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself. I see you in the picture mother!!!! 😊

    1. They usually take them off the road a week before a show to clean and polish them. Some of them add the accessories just before the show, then remove them before they go back out on the road to work.

  6. Replies
    1. It's a great mix for me. The tough heavy trucks and the beautiful artwork. A great combination.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.