Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Full of beans.

 Good morning. No worries about yesterday, the cops were only doing their job, investigating crimes. We have had a few sneaky thieves in the area. The most recent one happened just around the corner. Tools were nicked from a van. The tealeafs usually strike in the middle of the night, but they are becoming more brazen and prowl around in the daytime looking for easy pickings. There have been several sightings of unlettered vans driving around slowly and stopping to look down peoples driveways. In this day and age I think every one should be viewed as a suspect robber. 

Do not let your guard down, keep yourself and your possessions safe. When you return the trolley from unloading your shopping into the car, always lock the car, even when walking a few yards to the trolley park. When you are filling your car with petrol, always lock it when you go into the shop to pay. 

When you are working in the back garden always have the front door locked. Same when you are working in the front garden, lock the back door. Walk about with a key in your pocket so you don't lock yourself out. Make sure you have good locks on your shed. I don't store anything of value outside. We are soon to be having darker and longer nights. Leave a light on inside the house if you go to the pub or go shopping, or walk the dog. 

My neighbour next door has a light outside which comes on and floods both our front doors, even when a cat strolls by. The neighbour across the road has a camera high up just below the roof which can reach right across the road onto my front. He can monitor that from his mobile phone. 

Don't answer the door to anyone you don't know. I can see my front door through the kitchen window so I can ignore anyone I don't want to speak to. Be aware of scam phone calls. Internet crime is rife. Stop them dead in their tracks. No need to be abusive as annoying as they are. I just say in a loud voice, thank you for calling, goodbye, then immediately cut them off. 

Here is a heads up on beans with a difference. I picked this up from the centre aisle at Aldi. I have gone right off baked beans out of a tin, so I thought this would be a good substitute. It is, very tasty and not overly spicy. The last few mushrooms in a pan, with left over steamed veggies from the night before. I make a double portion which is the basis for two meals. Broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans. Add these beans, and I added a spoonful of sweet and sour sauce from a packet I started two days ago. Probably didn't need the sauce but I wanted to use it up. Chuffin loverly it was. I like these throw anything in a pan meals.  

Now it is time for breakfast, so I'll cut you loose. Have a good day. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Just a few weeks ago outside my house - a truck pickup - one of those fancy ones stopped - the driver bloke leaned out and said " do ya want any gardening work done" - Shockingly as he finished speaking and driving away he was inhaling something from a balloon into his mouth - It would be drugs x

  2. Love your cute photo of the squirrel. Yes, there seems to be people everywhere willing to take advantage of us if we let them. Thanks for the few words of common sense :)

    1. Best to be on your guard. There was a squirrel on my fence this morning. I put some walnuts on the table for it but it hasn't been for them.

  3. I would advise people not to leave anything of value in view of the road. I live in a rural village and we have seen an increase in thieves in vans caught on cctv entering gardens and inspecting things left there. This happened to my next-door neighbour but another neighbour challenged them, so they left empty handed. Someone else was not so lucky and several items were taken. Put things out of sight, keep any gates to the back of the house locked and don't assume that the van parked at your neighbour's house is just making an Amazon delivery.

    1. Good advice. Parcel delivery firms are employing all kinds of vehicles to do the work. Most of them are unmarked, private vans and cars. It is very difficult to tell if they are genuine or not. Amazon have 'Prime' on their vans, we are used to seeing those, but they also use contractors.


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