Monday, 9 September 2024

Stable Gallery at Doddington Hall.

The Stable Yard Gallery had some interesting sculptures. It is situated to the side of the main house, next to the Wagon Shed, and not far from the fishpond. How do you start assembling hundreds of keys to form a metallic statue. 
The glass sculptures were exquisite. 

Come with me for a walkround. 

There are more photo's to post, which I will share tomorrow. 
Crafty Club this morning. I made a complete cock up because I forgot to take a sewing needle with me, so no work was done. No one could lend me a needle because no one else had one either. Bugger. I ate my banana sandwich and had a mug of coffee, and chatted. Afterwards I called in to see Angela. Another mug of coffee and a catch up chat. 
Thanks for popping in. See ya soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Glass is a favourite of mine. I'd like to own that beautiful red piece. So fluid, looks like a sea anemone. Is it meant to be one?

    1. I think it is amazing what can be made with molten glass. Art can be anything you want it to be. That's the clever part of it. It can stretch your imagination.


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