Thursday, 24 November 2016

Another hippy bag finished

Hello. This bag has been hanging around for a few months, waiting to be finished. Today I got my finger out and bingo, it's done. I forgot to photograph the back, which is a dark red, same fabric as the handles. It has a red satin lining, and is 12 inches by 13 inches, and the handles are long enough to hitch over your shoulder. 
Some machine stitching and some hand stitching. I made the front and back as two separate pieces, and sewn them together by hand with blanket stitch. They have several layers so won't go floppy.

The bluey greeny one I made earlier, not sure which I like best now. 

I've been on the phone today, booking another short break, not so far to go this time, three days walking in Derbyshire. Thought I'd try another hotel in the Christian Guild group. They have a special offer of £39 a night at the moment. Have a look at Willersley Castle, it looks very nice. It's not far from Matlock, plenty of good walking in that area.

The car is empty, all wood put away. I've washed the fabric which I salvaged from one of the beds, it's a lovely shade of blue. I'm making a sign for the Christmas Fair to put on the lamp post near the Village Hall. Will get that finished tomorrow. I'm not sure when they will be building Santa's grotto, if it's the day before I won't be able to help as I may be out walking with my buddies, if the weather is ok. Perhaps I can do it on Thursday, we shall see.

That's it for now. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I stayed in Willersley Castle as a teenager with a church group when I lived in Derby. It is beautiful. There is a lovely staircase with a marvelous ceiling above it if I remember correctly. I'm sure you have a wonderful time.

    1. Hi. I'll post some photo's so you can see if it's the same as you remember.

  2. The bags are lovely Ilona I like them both equally.

    Enjoy your break.

    Hazel c uk

  3. I prefer the blue/green one myself.

    Joan (Wales)

  4. I really admire your creativity. The bags are fabulous.

  5. Love those bags. Do you sell them?

    1. Hi. I only sell them locally, I also give them away.

  6. I like the two bags equally. George Clarke's "Shed of the Year" starts on Tuesday in New Zealand - can't wait to see your shed. Audrey

    1. Hi Audrey. You will have to wait until the last programme to see mine.

  7. I love your bags wish I could buy one xx

  8. Love the blue bag Ilona. I took my mum to Willersley Castle for a mothers day treat. Great breakfast selection. It was built for arkwright of spinning jenny fame and the land originally belonged to Florence Nightingales father. Enjoy your jolly.

  9. Beautiful bags Ilona both just gorgeous the blue one is my favourite too.

  10. Both bags are bright and beautiful! Well done!!

  11. Nice bags you've made. I've seen fun ones ladies have made while at my register in hardware store. I have fabric to make one from a lap quilt I made a few years ago. I like the idea of having 3 layers so it's less floppy.

  12. Your bags are truly lovely. I've always envied the naturally talent people, who have a vision, then just do it. To see something of beauty, when others see trash. I'm humbled by your vision, and talent.

  13. Great bags! Enjoy your break away. SueM

  14. Both your bags are lovely! Enjoy your break. Jane.

  15. The red one would suit my as red if my favourite colour, I like them both though.

  16. Ilona, I'm watching you on the telly at the moment. How exciting !

    PS..Love the bags

    1. Hi. I've just had a text from my friend in Blackpool, she saw me on the TV as well. The programme must be doing the rounds.

  17. Can't make my mind up - both super duper. Natalie

  18. Yep, you were repeated on the tele last Friday, I watched it last night on our Freesat box, it was even better the second time around :-)


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