Saturday, 5 November 2016

Watch fireworks from your armchair

No need to go outside in the cold tonight to watch fireworks, stay snug and warm in your own house and watch this. They know how to do it in Orlando, I was there a while ago, it was chuffin brilliant.

You may wish to turn the sound down a bit, it's very loud.

Have a nice weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. So lovely. We had a grand time there several years back. The people that work there are so nice.

    Sorry to be so late getting my October miles to you. I completed 106 for the month!

    Hope all is well with you my friend.

    Lisa in Miami

  2. Not keen on fireworks myself and poor Jess dog is quivering away at the moment. I love the photo of you and handsome Rocky.

  3. Another one who is not keen on fireworks but the picture of you and Rocky is wonderful.

  4. I agree, the photo of you with Rocky is fabulous! You both look radiant! JanF

  5. Yes, super photo of you both. Natalie

  6. Another one here who likes the Rocky picture; it looks like he's smiling.

  7. I was able to turn this down enough to enjoy without frightening the animals in my house. Gorgeous and so is that photo of you with your wonderful dog. Have a lovely Sunday.

  8. This time last year I was actually at Disneyworld with my daughter and her little family. The fireworks are indeed amazing.

  9. The fireworks video was great - we didn't venture out last night, too cold, but our local one was apparently very disappointing. My only gripe is that we have had TWO weekends of bonfire night - last weekend and this one (different villages) - why oh why was that, Bonfire night was on a Saturday this year so I'm totally puzzled. I'm only moaning because the noise upsets the pets, one night a year is fine, and quite enough. Amanda

  10. It's also a lot safer! Keep warm x

  11. I agree about Florida they certainly know how to put on a show.

  12. Lovely photo of you and Rocky. I don't like fireworks much as both my dogs are terrified and my previous dog would bark all the time when he heard them. The problem is bonfire night is no longer just one night if you live in a city. Kristel

  13. Good idea to watch that on internet, hadn't thought of that. I didn't go out, stayed indside with dog and a room full of pheronome spray! We've had a week of Diwali followed by a long weekend of Guy Fawks so had quite enough now. It's been snowing here today, so got the thermals on and central heating on a low background heat. I do love winter weather.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.