Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Crafting inspiration.

Hello. I've been adding to my hearts and stars collection. It's so handy to be able to pick up small hand sewn projects while doing other things. I sit with a mug of coffee first thing in the morning so half an hour of stitching adds up three and a half hours of crafting per week. I also like to be busy with my hands while watching some videos on yootoooob. They have to be ones which don't need me to keep my eyes on the screen though. Old sitcoms and soaps are good for this when you can listen and not have to watch every second. 
These will be on our Chat and Craft stall at the Christmas Fair in the Village Hall on the 3rd of December. 
I've had an email from Lesley who is local to me, she came over the bridge with her daughter to visit our Summer Fair, back in June. Lesley has sent me a link to a really nice blog which focuses mainly on quilting and other fabric crafts. There is a tutorial on how to make a Christmas tree out of fabric in an origami style. It looks really attractive and once made can be brought out every year for many years. If you are at a loose end and looking for something to do, take a look. I'll post the link, maybe you would like to have a look around the blog for inspiration for other projects. Thank you Lesley.
Smiles from Kate Blogspot

Right, what's the plan for today.
Empty the car, sort through wood and store in the garage.
Stew a pan of apples.
Finish sewing a bag.
A bit more work on the mesh fruit bag picture, (it's taking a while)
3 mile walk, call in and see if they want me to strip down the other two beds.
Feed cats, especially Bugsy when he shouts for food.
Work out what next the next project is going to be, play around with bits, ponder.
Make shopping bag out of bed fabric.
And loads of other jobs to do.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

PS. Blogger has changed the format and layout for the Dashboard. Don't know why they messed with it, it worked perfectly well before. S'pose I'll get used to it.


  1. Everyone is saying the same thing. It's a right pain, less attractive, takes more clicks and why? It wasn't broken in the first place.
    Love the decorations!
    J x

  2. Its the same with everything online. You just get used to where everything is and how it all works and some twit with a degree in internet things comes along and 'improves' it. I wonder if they are trying to justify a job. [Rant over]. Your Christmas decs are just fabulous, I am going to try and make them with my daughter when college closes. I will watch the video from your link this evening. Have a good day.

  3. A lazy day then Ilona (joke). You've certainly got a lot of energy - mainly I would think from keeping so fit. At least the rain has held off for a while so it's ok to get outside wrapped up. The hearts and stars are lovely - what beautiful colours. Amanda

  4. Glad to see you're still blogging. I've just come back after a year and a half's absence -- and you're right about blogger changing things. I'm the crazy Flamborough lady. Still crazy for Flamborough very happy in our retirement home. You have such energy and creativity! Good for you!

    1. Hello Chris, welcome back. Yes, everything's still the same here. I haven't been able to have as many trips out this year, but hopefully next year there will be more walking.

  5. I started making some of my own stars a few weeks ago in pink and blue (so I can have them up throughout the year as needed). Will look at the blog you show. Natalie

  6. Beautiful decorations they are sure to sell well. I have made the tree and very pretty it is and easy to made.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Well done Hazel, the pattern looks easy to follow.

  7. Hi Ilona, I love the Christmas star idea and the hearts are as lovely as ever. I totally agree with the blogger winge, I am away camping at our favorite beach spot, I was able to post 3 blog posts before they changed the format on Wednesday and low and behold, my very old laptop won't recognize this new format , all I have is a big white blank!! Not happy!
    Your list of things to do is amazing, good luck girl!

  8. Love these! I am going to rifle through my felt collection and make some for the bazaar I support.

    You were on 'Rip Off Britain' this morning (25/11), so I waved :-)

  9. I've got no craft projects on the go at present this is unheard of. I'm feeling a little creatively stunted at present as I know I've got college work that needs doing as a priority. Lol come the new year I hope to be crafting again.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.