Wednesday 30 November 2016

Making a bespoke notebook cover

Hello. Bugsy cat is looking like one happy and contented cat tonight. He's just eaten one and a half sardines. The vet said to give him smelly food to tempt him so I called in at the shop after I had finished making Santa's Grotto at the Village Hall. We decided to keep the Grotto simple this year, so I covered the two walls in the corner of the entrance hall with white paper and hung tinsel and coloured balls on it. 
I've started a little project to use up some small pieces of cotton fabric. I'm making a cover for a notebook. The red fabric is a piece of bed sheet. Lay the book on the top to mark out the size of the fabric. 
Now I'm covering it with patchwork.  I started it off at Crafty Club on Monday,  hand sewing up to now, but I've started to sew the strips on with the machine. When it is covered I shall add lots of hand stitching over the top of it.

I made extra steamed vegetables last night, and incorporated them into my lunch today. Started off with mushrooms in a pan, almost two weeks out of date, add a chopped onion, a handful of spinach, and some baked beans. Then add the steamed veg.  It was bloomin lovely, filled me up a treat. 
That's another month gone by. If the Walking Group members send in their mileage, I will update the page. I only did two miles today, pacing myself for the final month. I will be doing extra in December, so no need to stick rigidly to my routine.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Don't you have to close the jotter, wrapping the fabric as you go so it closes okay when finished? Glad the little cat has a hearty appetite today. Natalie

    1. Hi. The notebook will close. Hem both ends. Fold the two ends over with the book inside and close. Pin and trim off excess. Then fold cover inside out and stitch top and bottom. Turn the right way. Using book with spiral makes it easy to insert it into cover.

  2. Hello, continuing to accumulate miles now up to 1,115, will continue up to the end of December! best wishes Jill:0)

  3. Your lunch looks delicious Ilona. 950 miles for me please. X

  4. Mileage for November end 1256

  5. Watched the first installment of George Clarke's "Sheds" - loved the unique sheds. I looked out for you in the crowd and spotted you a couple of times - felt excited to know one of the contestants when I'm so far away. Can't wait to see the episode with you in it. Audrey, New Zealand

    1. Hi Audrey, Sorry you got to find out how I did in the competition before you saw it on screen, but you will still like it I think. It's a laugh.

  6. Happy to hear Bugsy is eating.
    My mileage is 57.5 this month. I took a week off to visit family and didn't walk much at all.

  7. so glad Bugsy feeling a lot better. They do worry us don't they? Take care and best wishes to you all. Hug to Bugsy, Wandaxx

  8. Hi Ilona, I'm on 892 now. Still a bit behind target but I'll try to catch up before the Christmas hibernation.

  9. Good morning, Ilona! I like your notebook cover. I hope you will show us the finished product.
    My miles for November are 90, for a grand total thus far of 1,082. I am still going to calculate December and send it in.
    Thanks for hosting this walking challenge. It's been great fun!
    Lisa in Miami

  10. I like your cover! I just discovered "boro" and "sashiko" on pinterest, and immediately thought of you! Some of it looks a little more shabby than I like, but some of it looks very warm,loved, and artsy. I wanted to try it and start with something small like potholders, but maybe now I'll try a journal cover.I think that would get more use! I really, really enjoy your blog!

    1. BTW, when I said "more shabby than I like", I was talking about the boro and sashiko - NOT YOUR WORK! Just wanted to be clear! :-)

  11. Hello Ilona. My mileage total is now 957 miles. Yet again thank you for setting it going. I will miss sending you the totals every month. It has been a great discipline! Will have to keep it going now! Some of my unsuspecting friends are going to receive notebooks and a challenge at Christmas to set their own weekly target and stick to it through the year. Maybe it will test our friendships but I hope not!
    Is your next challenge going to be one we can join in with? Sue

  12. Good morning Ilona! It's 94 km for November. It seems I can't beat this number. Thank you for adding me in the list with those close to 1000 miles although I'm far from it, as I walk in km.

  13. I love this note book cover! What a great idea! I am a college student (at age 47!) and I use notebooks daily. I think this would be a really fun thing to whip up some time! I agree with what the others said, please keep us posted, with pictures of your progress!


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