Monday, 8 July 2019

A dinky little thing.

My table is full of bits and bobs, I really must have a sort out. It's my playing table, I sit and fiddle with things. Move them around, like a construction set. I used to play with my brothers Meccano when I was a kid, didn't want any dolls, I liked his toys better than mine. 
Anyway, I've got some offcuts of plywood, 6 inches by 8 inches, found them in a skip. Clean new wood. And I've got some slate pieces, can't remember where I got them from. I want to attach them to the wood, but don't want to stick them on. I want to sew them on with thread. How to do that. 
First of all I sanded the slate with a fine sandpaper to smooth the edges. Then drilled a small hole in the centre. Then dipped each one into a tin of varnish because I thought they would look better shiny. I varnished the wood as well.

Then I arranged the pieces on the wood and used a map pin to poke through the centre hole to make a mark on the wood, which I then drilled. I used the map pin to make three holes around the edge of each piece and pushed the pin through to the back, the wood is quite soft. I used coloured cord, had to pull the needle through with pliers.

Tie each one at the back, add a spot of superglue to stop it coming loose.

A wire hanger, and stick on four plastic chrome bits in each corner.

There you are, a dinky little thing to hang on the wall.  ilona


  1. Replies
    1. I have several more pieces of wood just like that, so now I am thinking of other ways to make a series. Something to tax the brain.

  2. You have given me an idea what to do with some slate pieces that I have had for years.At the moment they just sit in a little pile in my garden.There isnt enough of them to do much with!.But I have some interesting wood pieces,so Im going to do something like this!.I havent got a drill so a spot of Hard as Nails will be used to stick mine on with.Yours looks great!,xx

  3. Ilona, I was going to comment on 'Go Granny', but it's gone. What happened?

    1. I could see that it was going to turn into a bun fight so I deleted it late last night.

  4. Now that is something I would hang on my wall.

  5. Wow that looks fab well done for another great piece of art done so cheap and colourful. One woman's trash is another woman's treasure x

  6. Found some lovely pebbles on the Greek beaches we visited this summer and was wondering what to do with them. You have given me inspiration to get started. Ilona you leave no stone (pebble) unturned and your talent is amazing.

  7. Really Ilona your imagination has no boundaries, the last thing I would have thought of would be to take a needle and thread to stone x


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