Friday, 26 July 2019

Kilburn, Byland Abbey, Ampleforth, a walk

It's Friday already and I haven't posted about what happened on Monday yet. A bit of catching up to do. This is Church B & B at Kilburn, my room was top left overlooking the cottages on the other side of the road. When I got there on Sunday evening I found a note on the front door telling me which room to go in. Carol runs it, everything was perfect, lovely room, nice and clean en suite, and a very reasonable price. Check the web site if you want to know more. 
The cottage opposite the church. 
After a hearty breakfast off I went with snacks and plenty to drink, it was going to be a hot day. Up a shady lane past the cows.

Through a wood.....

And into the village of High Kilburn.

I followed the sign for Byland Abbey.

It's an English Heritage site, free to go in. I wrote about this on a previous trip five years ago. Additional photo's of the Abbey and Kilburn here.

I had a wander around, trying to imagine how it might have been all those years ago. It's a very big site.

I took footpaths and roads through Wass, to Ampleforth. Typical of the cottages round here.

Fantastic views. It was windy but I was glad of that, it kept me cool.

The good thing about visiting villages at this time of the year is the abundance of flowers everywhere.

Walking with a skirt on again. The wafting around my legs is more comfortable than shorts, and keeps the sun off my legs.

There is a village shop at Ampleforth so a Magnum ice cream was in order. I tried a raspberry one this time, very nice. Then it was time to turn around and head back. I chose a different route, through woods, mostly on roads, arriving back at Kilburn at 6pm. 12 miles walked. It was only because it was windy that I was able to walk that far. Another walk planned for tomorrow. It's supposed to be even hotter, have to see how it goes. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. You must be very fit.I wish I could walk 12 miles.Looking forward to your next instalment.Barbara

  2. The B&B and surrounding area look very nice. Great photo of you in the mirror! :)

  3. What a lovely cottage you stayed in.Its made me feel relaxed just looking at it!.I would have found the ruins very interesting,infact I have always loved looking at things like this ever since I was a child.Loving the plants growing out of the walls as well.It really is great when you can cram so much into a couple of days.This is what I always try to do cause it makes the break seem so much longer!..The weather in Leicester is so much more pleasant today,so I has given me more chance to do things in the garden.There is even a bit of a welcome breeze! and no sun burning me to a frazzle!xx

    1. Debi Where is Flis? Do you know if she is ok, I hope she is, she has not commented for some time.
      I agree with you about the lovely buildings even if in ruins, their souls ring out. x

    2. "their souls ring out," as their famous bells once did.

    3. Hello Amanda,Nice to hear from you!.Flis is fine,I spoke to her a few days ago and every thing is good.She is still reading here every day but her phone is playing up and not letting her comment.As soon as she gets it sorted she will be back!.Im sure that she will see your comment,but I will let her know over the weekend that you asked for her.Hope that all is good with you...I love your comment..their souls ring out.I will think of that when ever I see these sort of places now,xx

  4. Have you tried the vegan Magnums? Really good, subtle taste of honey, bizarrely.

  5. I expect you will have passed our house as we are near the footpath between Wass and Ampleforth. You can see more about us in August 2019 Waitrose Magazine which featured us including Wass Farm Shop, White Swan in Ampleforth as well as the Black Swan in Oldstead

  6. Thanks for the photos of the Cistercian Abbey. I know a little about them, and like you I wonder what it would have been like to live there at that time. Are those bromeliads growing in the wall? Reminds me of The Secret Garden. When my parents first visited England, my mother reported that every available inch of what Americans call yard was planted with gorgeous flowers, and I see she was right. Too bad about the heatwave; we're having it too, and it keeps one indoors--at least this one. :) Sedgwick

  7. Thankyou for the gorgeous photos really made my morning.Overcast cool and drizzly down here��☔️��

  8. The cottages and flowers are just lovely, thanks for the post from my home country and stay cool.

  9. I hope you were able to cool off. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos and narrative. Cheers from Florida.


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