Saturday, 20 July 2019

Holding on to the memories.

I like this teeshirt, it looks blue-ish in the picture, but it's purple. I bought it when I visited the CN Tower in Toronto, must be about fifteen years ago now. As you can see inside the neckline it is quite worn and faded. The edge around the neckline has frayed and looks scruffy. 
The rest of the teeshirt is quite good quality, I would like to carry on wearing it for a bit longer, but something has to be done about the fraying. 
Simple solution, fold the edge over and sew it down with a row of blanket stitch. I thought pink would look nice, and it does. 
I might get another two or three years out of this, so I'm chuffed. The teeshirt has memories of happy times with my then boyfriend. We went on a roller coaster trip to the USA, 17 theme parks in 15 days. It was ace.

Here I am. at Cedar Point in Ohio. wearing a different teeshirt, on the same trip. And blimey, look at the date, 2001, so it was 18 years ago.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That is a memory well worth keeping!

  2. Love your solution! And the story behind the shirt.

  3. You certainly are getting your moneys worth there, love it.

  4. Awesome memory and a great solution to a problem.

  5. I love clothes that have lovely memories attached to them.Ive got clothes from 50 years ago and still wear some of them!.Just because of the memories that they hold,happy times from when I was a young teenager.My Grandaughter was amazed when I gave her 2 of my Levi jackets from those days.She said that in a shop in town they were charging about £95 for the same ones.Pre Loved they called them with second hand Levi jeans,cut into shorts for £65!.I told her that if she gets fed up with them,dont throw them away...give them back to me cause they still have plenty of wear in them!I love the memories to your T shirt and Im sure you will get many more years use out of it,xx

  6. You look really lovely in the photo Ilona you appear to be having a great time. Nice to have memories such as these the t shirt alteration is really good. xxxx Liz Amy and Benny.

  7. Nice work!

    And remember, when the t-shirts have been mended one time too many, you can salvage the graphics to make a memory quilt or a series of wall hangings. Just be sure to attach them to a stable fabric before creating the item.

    Have a feeling you will create something spectacular when that day arrives!

  8. What a lovely photo of you. I think it's the best I've ever seen!

  9. Your tee shirt looks good. I am still wearing a M & S jumper that my MIL brought me in about 1973/4 I don't like buying clothes so I make them last and have best clothes and working clothes.

    Hazel c uk

  10. Great photo of you Ilona! Good idea to blanket stitch around the neckline of your T-shirt. I think I have a few that could do with the same treatment to get a few more years worth of wear out of them. :)

  11. I love your blog and following all the cool stuff you do. But...a roller coaster trip to the USA with a boyfriend? Cooler than cool...

  12. That's so thrifty and creative. Exactly what I would expect on your blog! I am struggling to see the fun bit of 17 theme parks in 15 days though! Rather you then me...

  13. How cool! I live about 2 hours away from Cedar Point.


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