Thursday, 25 July 2019

Yarn bombing in Thirsk.

This has to be the best yarn bombing I have ever seen. The people of Thirsk should be proud of themselves for making their town look beautiful. The bollards surround the market square, some parking is allowed on the cobbles, and there are traffic free seating areas on both sides of the main road going through it. Places to shop and eat and no litter to be seen. I like it here. Rather a lot of photo's, couldn't help myself, had to snap them. Enjoy.  

Thirsk Yarnbombers have a page on the Tourist Information site. Check it out for more information. 
They also have a visitors book on their Facebook page

Phew it's hot again today. I've done my walk early and won't be going outside again, far too hot for me. How are you coping? Luckily my house is cool. Plenty to do inside.

More holiday pics tomorrow. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Cool! The Thirsk Yarnbombers are really cool. I love the storybook themes of some. What a neat thing to see and you realize all the work that goes into it. So awesome!
    I love all your pics you get to take and share!
    -Lisa over in Kentucky, USA

  2. Thirst Yarnbombers as wonderful and pleased you had an interesting time.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Yes, Thirsk is a lovely little oldy worldy town, pity about the new Tesco on the way in?

    1. Yes, the Tesco store spoils it a bit. Mind you, I needed the loo so I popped in there, before I went to the show.

  4. Stunning! I absolutely love a yarn bombing. Really lifts the spirits and a nice community effort too.

  5. You can always relax, knowing you are in a nice area when you see a bit of yarn bombing : )

  6. What fun yarn-bombers! Thanks for sharing these great pictures. I enjoy reading about your activities - both at home & away. Jan from Ohio, USA

  7. I really enjoyed this post and the great photos of the yarn bombing, such fun.

  8. What a lovely area to walk around and well done to all the people that made those beautiful things! I would love to walk through that street and view them all.So thanks for sharing your photos with us....As far as the weather is concerned,here in Leicester it is like walking into a sauna when you step out into the garden.It is far,far to hot for me and its making me tired,listless and feeling sick all the time.My house faces south so there is no escaping it indoors!.What with the thunder, lightning and rain a couple of nights ago...just what is going on?.Hubby says that it should be slightly cooler today and I really hope it is.I hate feeling hot and tired all the time!Ive been up since 2.30 this morning as I just couldnt sleep cause I had got hubbys body heat at the side of me then as well,lol.I went outside to sit hoping it would be cooler and a gigantic moth landed on my arm!.Im terrified of them so back indoors I went..after most of the houses around me must have thought there was a murder going on with my scream!.On a positive note,my kitchen scrap tomatoes,butternut squash and courgettes are loving it,lol.xx

  9. Lovely pictures of a great idea.

  10. I love the yarn bombing! Makes me want to get out my sticks and yarn and get to work!


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