Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Working out the puzzle.

Board number seven. this one was quick and easy to make. The word 'puzzle' came into my head and something clicked. Yes, I have three small puzzles, maybe I could use some of the pieces. The normal way to start a jigsaw puzzle is to find the four corners then put aside all the pieces with a straight edge to make up the outside, filling in the middle last. 
What about going against the rules, doing it the other way round, and putting the four corners in the middle. Then play around with what's left to make up a new picture. So what that the colours don't match up, and the pieces are not a snug perfect fit, isn't that a bit like life? 
Sometimes things didn't fit together in my life, sometimes it went a bit off course, so I looked for a different direction. Finding my way was a bit of a puzzle, I got a bit lost at times, so I looked for a different way of doing things. I was able to solve my puzzles by changing direction. 
I like this puzzle, it has dead ends, but if you turn something inside out there could well be a different outcome. Always worth a try. 

I have been given tons of fabric. A neighbours grandma has passed away and she had a massive hoard of all things fabric and wool. Luckily people round here have heard about my re cycling and re using endeavours, and my keen interest in saving things from landfill.

This came in four very full and heavy plastic bin bags. I have sorted it and folded it and put it into boxes. I have been told there is more to come. Bring it on, I will find a good home for it. 

Some will be shopping bags, I've made ten here, some will be given to friends at Crafty Club, and some will be donated to the Scrapstore. 
Today is the last day of the month, that means it's check in day for members of the International Walking Group, tomorrow the 1st of August. Are you ready for it? I am ahead of my target due to the extra walks in Yorkshire. Let's see how everyone else is doing. Has the weather been against you? I went out this morning because rain is expected later. Good luck everyone. 
Toodle pip.  Ilona 


  1. Hi Ilona- explaining your thoughts on your new artwork has helped me rethink my reactions to problems in my life.I usually just get stuck with something or other and give up.Now I shall continue and try an alternative idea.Thankyou.Lucky me has just got a brand new i pad at last x

    1. Welcome back Flis!!.I agree that its good to think of an alternative way of doing things.I used to give up on things so easy years ago,then get upset and depressed...but now,I sit and think things through more...Ilona,that is a great stash of material you have been given!!xx

  2. I like your thoughts about the puzzle which since I have had the stroke is how I have to do things now especially when I can't find the right word, I have a way of writing the word down and then I can say it.
    I am sure you will have a good time with all that lovely fabric,
    July certainly went quickly.
    Hazel c uk

  3. That is a very interesting/thoughtful idea,keep them coming.

  4. What a clever idea with the puzzle! Absolutely love it.


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