Friday, 21 January 2022

Bodily functions

That's half a water melon I have eaten. There were quite a lot of pips in it. I wonder if they will put in an appearance at the other end. Ha ha. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I've always understood you leave the seeds - whenever I've prepared melon, I do it in slices, with the seeds removed with a deft slice with a knife.

  2. I don't think you should eat the seeds - toodle err....pip

  3. Those big green water melon seeds are a bugger to get out....the fruit I mean....not your bum,lol.The yellow ones are far easier!.Anyway,on a positive note,you might have baby watermelons growing out your ears!.Think how frugal that will be.All you need is to eat a few red peppers,whole,maybe a few apples,and oranges and you can open your very own veg shop!xx

  4. 😂 LOL very funny ilona
    Yes shopping should be easy
    I miss the banter nowadays when shopping especially in Tesco there always chatty 😊❤
    Makes shipping funnn

    Levi x

    1. I miss chatting with the ladies on the Tesco checkouts. At Aldi there is one till open, the conveyor belt is left running, load the shopping and someone appears to scan it.

  5. This morning I can report that a lot of small seeds were visible at the other end.

    1. Well,I can see with the ideas coming in...,John,pebble dashing,opening your own veg shop.You could even do it in the garden,cat style,12 inches space in between,over 7 days and have your very own water melon trees growing in a row.Very tropical and be the envy of your neighbours.There could be some money to be made here!.So I think we should get in touch with Alan Sugar or Dragons Den and put the idea forward.xx

  6. Bloody 'ell, you could perchance pebble dash a wall or two....


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.