Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Snogging game.

 The dreams that I have just before waking up in the morning are those which stick in my mind. I finished the evening last night with watching some old Got Talent, and X Factor vids. A bit of light entertainment to send me to sleep. This morning I woke up after a hot snogging session with Simon Cowell. He is not the type of man I would normally lust after. He smokes so his breath must stink. Yuk. And he is a bit full of his own self importance. 

I don't like the designer stubble look, like someone can't be bothered to shave. Like kissing sandpaper. Either have a beard or don't have one.   

I don't mind hairy men if their nest is soft, and clean, and not full of the remnants of the last meal. I like chunky men but not wobbly men, if you see what I mean. It seems a bit shallow to go for someone based purely on their looks, but there has to be a degree of the phwoar factor there. 

I've explored several types, the drop dead gorgeous, and the clever bods who have an impressive intellectual repertoire. Brains versus brawn if you like. Very difficult to find  the whole package. 

Take a look at this site, 34 Handsome older men. Some of them are too old for me, I prefer them younger. Judge them by their looks, which one do you fancy? Which one could you snog? Ladies and gents, and anyone in between can join in. I could go for number 24. 

It is time to get my breakfast. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I had to do four passes to choose ;)

    Number nine for me please - grey hair, good arms, glasses............

    Mind you I wouldn't throw any of them out of bed for eating biscuits lol

    1. Like your choice. Good muscles, full head of hair, and his glasses suit him.

  2. None of them were really my cup of tea but if I *had* to pick... I'd say Angelo Gallamini (#30) as my first pick & Alessandro Manfredini (#10) as my close second pick. Altho Alessandro looks a lot older than 48 years so I'm guessing he's fibbing a bit. I was looking for a rugged tattooed biker-type but only saw one & he really isn't what I had in mind. I was thinking more of a Jason Momoa-type.

    That was fun. :-)

  3. Yuck - made me feel ill and thats without looking at the pics

  4. Nah, none of them do it for me. I like a mischievous grin, crooked teeth (I don't like the current craze for the ultra-white, every-tooth-in-a-straight-line look. I think it looks daft). I'm not a fan of big muscles, either. I DO like dark eyes and nice eyebrows. I quite like dreadlocks, too. ��
    Simon Cowell though, seriously ilona? I nearly spat my coffee out reading that, haha!

    Liz (Eliza) from Wales xx

    1. I like dreadlocks but they have to be long.

    2. Yeah, same here, not keen on short ones.
      Liz x

  5. All very handsome men. Thank you!

    Amanda, Sussex

  6. Np kilts :( lol Maybe I'll construct a list of similar men but in kilts.

    Yes - I went back for another look lol

    1. I like a man in a kilt. Plenty of pictures here.

  7. haha, no woman would stand a chance.They are all in love with themselves.( and their mirror.)

  8. Replies
    1. Nice bod, but I didn't like the shape of his nose ;o)

  9. Ooh go on then I'll play. Number 15!

    1. Yes, Bobby is gorgeous. Love his floppy hair, his beautiful smile, and the cheeky glint in his eyes. The outdoorsy type will do for me.

  10. I can't stand men with facial hair so none of them do it for me. Give me a clean shaven, scrubbed clean bloke in a suit any day. I don't mind a chubby cuddly bloke but can't abide skinny ones.

  11. Lol,well I have tried to play nicely and choose one...but to be honest,none of them move me in any way.The only thing I want to kiss these days is one of my cats.The only guy I fancy,is Daniel in Coronation Street and in real live he is gay so thats my chances gone,ha ha!Anyway,next time round,I am coming back as a nun or a seagull or even a cute little hamster.xx

  12. Number 1 for me, 2nd pic, have put on my desktop for extra looks when im bored, yum. There were a few others too.


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