Saturday, 1 January 2022

Calling all Walkers. Last check in for 2021

 Good morning and a Happy New Year to everyone. I didn't hear the fireworks at midnight, don't know if there were any, I was fast asleep by 10.30pm. That's what sea air does for you. 

This is the last check in for the members of the International Walking group. The final total for the year. Thank you to everyone who has come here to check in throughout the year. Stand tall and be proud of your achievements. 

I finished the 1000 miles on the 22nd of December. I carried on walking but haven't recorded the extra miles. I start again from nil today. Let me know if you are going to join me. 

As always, the message is simple. Exercise in whatever form it takes is good for your health. Being outside is good for physical and mental heath. After six years of doing this challenge I am ready to go again. 

I had a smashing day out at the seaside yesterday, it was lovely to be somewhere different. I'll get the photo's sorted out for later. 

Now it's up to you to check in with your miles. How has it been for you?

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. I think I am going to join you this year Ilona. Great way to stay healthyomger term.

    1. We are happy to have you in our International Walking Group. What are the rules? Count your own miles. Walk when you like, where you like, and how often you like.

  2. Happy New Year Ilona. Thank you for taking the time to put comments on your blog over the years. Aside to today's entry, I just wanted to let you know that I've just watched a gardening video called 'Dave's Allotment Garden. New Mic Test & Happy New Year!', and on it he describes using a new microphone for his camera to reduce wind interference. I'm not sure whether you got sorted out with this problem earlier in the year, but I've looked on the website clearance site he mentions, and its still on offer for £20. I just thought you might be interested.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion. I asked at the camera shop about an external mike for my camera. There isn't a socket to plug one into.

  3. Hi and Happy New Year. I am planning on joining in this year with my 4 year old in tow. We are aiming for 1000 miles total and are looking forward to lots of walking adventures!

    1. That sounds exciting. Will you be taking him/her in a buggy? A great way to teach a little one about the great outdoors.

    2. No she is very used to walking so will do it all on foot!

    3. Breaking it down that will be 2.74 miles a day, every day. When you say total, does that mean 1000 for each of you, or 1000 between both of you. 500 each. Confused.

  4. I didn't hear fireworks either as I was well into zzzz by midnight.
    2021 was a good year for walking - 1187 miles total.
    2020 was better - 1248 miles - but that was also the year we pretty much stayed home.
    Total for 2020 and 2021 - 2435 miles
    I am pleased with my total and look forward to 2022.

    1. Hello Kay. You have done extremely well, an achievement to be proud of. Well done.

  5. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year m'dear, I shall indeed be joining you this year upon the thousand mile walk as it ties in with what I would like to achieve for myself this coming twelve months.

    1. Thank you John. It's good to hear that you can incorporate some walking into your other plans. It's a good feeling to get to the end and say, I DID IT.

  6. Happy New Year! I said I'd be happy if I made 1,150 and delighted if I went over that. I'm delighted to say I ended the year with 1,175 miles. While not meeting the goal I set for myself at the beginning of 2021, it's really good given my ongoing Achilles tendon issue. Looking forward to another year of walking.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Hey, Sheila, I bet you heard fireworks last night! I sure did! Idahoans LOVE their fireworks! (I'm in Coeur d'Alene).

      Ilona, congratulations on another good year of walking. I'm surprised you quit counting after you made your goal.

    2. Well done Sheila. That's a great achievement.

      Mikemax, I am not out to break records, 1000 miles sits comfortably with me.

    3. Oh, I get that--once you achieve your goal, you really don't care. I just expected you'd keep track until the end. The important thing here is that you did it!

    4. Mikemax, I did 1200 miles on my second year, 100 a month. That took a bit more effort. I made the decision to stick to 1000. I do more than that but I don't record it because I have reached my target.

  7. Happy New Year fellow walkers. Just scraped in at 1,015 miles for 2021. Looking forward to doing the challenge in 2022. Best get my boots on and squeeze a quick walk in before it gets dark.

    1. Wow, that was close, but YOU DID IT. Congratulations.

      I did five miles today to get me started.

  8. I too would like to join in this year. Though I am from Canada and here it is kilometres, I am old school and will do it in miles. Today we are -35C so I will walk indoors. Happy New Year to all.

    1. Hi. You can walk whichever way suits you best. The aim of it is to get into the habit of walking on a regular basis, so it becomes a pleasure to look forward to.

  9. Happy New Year! December was 142 miles for me so my total for 2021 was 1549. Very please with that and I hope I can keep up that pace so will aim for 1500 in 2022. Cheers. Allison

    1. Hi. you should be jumping up and down with joy at that fantastic total. You must be super fit now. Well done.

  10. Happy New Year Ilona. Whilst I don't do the 1000 miles myself it's a great initiative. A friend of mine started walking in September 2020 and it has been life changing for her. She is now fit and it has improved her mental health immeasurably. Win/win! Arilx

    1. Hi Aril. I love to hear a success story. It really does work for anybody who is determined to do it.

  11. Happy New Year Ilona and fellow walkers!
    I am walking with you this year again, but as I am supported by my walker it might be less fast and without counting kilometres. At least I'll keep on moving every day, walking or cycling, depending on the weather and pavement / street conditions....
    Looking forward to another, my sixth, year of taking part in your challenge!


    1. Glad to have you along again. I love your enthusiasm.

    2. Ilona, My enthusiasm comes from feeling blessed with the given possibilities and opportunities, which are around the corner and within my reach.
      Self supportive and at no cost! Free in more than one way.
      Being outdoors every day keeps me sane in every way and.... the doctor away
      Just like that apple.....
      They are to me what the jab is to others :>)

  12. Happy New Year Ilona and fellow walkers! A rather feeble 31 miles in December for me but a totally respectable 1220 for the year and £610 saved for treats (50p per mile). So what will my challenge be for this year? I don't feel I can continue to increase my mileage every year so am going to change the challenge and aim to walk at least 28 days every month - just a tick or cross on the calendar although that does mean I will lose the motivation of commenting here every month. Thanks Ilona for the opportunity to do so over the last few years and for your encouragement. Good luck everyone, Vicki

    1. Nice to hear from you Vicki. I knew you would still be here, knowing your love of everything outdoors. A good idea to reward yourself with a cash lump sum built up over the whole year.

      There has to be a limit on how many miles we are prepared to do, walking is just part of our lives. A new plan is just the job for refreshing the brain. Go for it.

  13. Happy New Year Ilona. I managed just under 500 miles, I love walking but have two bad knees and recently diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and Raynards. I don't ever give up though!

    1. Don't worry Linda. Sticking with it over the long term is better than sitting in a chair for the rest of your life. Do as much as you are able.

  14. Happy New Year one and all from the land downunder!! Looking forward to participating in another international walking challenge am I, and I must say I love VickiEYs' idea of rewarding herself for each mile (in my case kilometer) walked. Going to try that one myself, thanks VickiEY !!
    My total for 2021 came in at 2247 kilometers and my goal was around 2000, so I am mighty pleased with that. I am joining in again this year, and I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog and read about your challenge Ilona, it has been a great motivation and help to me during these difficult times. All the best for this new year and I look forward to again reading the blog and seeing/hearing what you get up to.
    Joy Central Vic Australia

    1. Hello Joy. I am so pleased that you are still in the game. You can change how you tackle this, make up your own ways of doing it which suit yourself. Fantastic miles, well done.

  15. Happy New Year to all! I did 70 miles this month, which put my total for the year at 867. So close to the goal of 1,000 miles... I'm confident I can do this, and will be recommitting for the new year.

    1. That's close enough Leslie. You now have the confidence to up your game. I'm sure you can do it for 2022.

  16. I wrote my comment yesterday by mistake. So, again: Happy New Year to you, Ilona, and all fellow walkers! I managed only 931 miles, but as I had originally aimed at 1000 kilometers, I still am quite happy with the result.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Thank you Hilde. That is a fantastic mileage. I am proud of you.

  17. I would like to join in but my watch only seems to count steps not miles, what do you all use to track mileage please?

    1. I use a web site called to check my mileage. I have local walks which I do regularly so I know how long they are. If I go to a different area I take a map and check the distance on the computer when I get back.

      I don't have a smart phone, but if you do it might have a GPS on it. Some people use fitbits and count steps. These are not very accurate as regards converting it to miles. But if that is the only way you can check how far you have walked then you can use that.

      If someone walks briskly on the flat for an hour that is three miles, or 20 minutes for one mile. You could use that method.

      I only count the distance when I am going out for a walk, that is with boots on. I don't count shopping in town. Some people do, that's up to them.

      You won't be checked. If you add a few extra miles on that you haven't done, the only person you are kidding is yourself. The aim of this is to get into the habit of regular exercise, and stick at it over the whole year. It isn't a race, it isn't a new year resolution that will fall by the wayside after a month or two. It's about commitment to get fit and stay fit. Good luck.

    2. Thank you Ilona! I think I have sorted it, no cheating, I'm on my way! Thank you for having me!

    3. Pat--there are websites out there that will convert your steps into miles (using your height/weight/pace) that are very accurate. My current watch tracks both steps and miles, and I regularly hit that "10,000 steps" fitness goal which is a bit less than 5 miles. But like Ilona, for this challenge I only count my steps/miles when I go out for a walk.

    4. Thank you Leslie. I am not familiar with the modern up to date electronic gadgets.

    5. Thank you Leslie, I think I have figured it out now. Looking forward to it.

  18. I will give it a go this year, Ilona. I've definitely lacked motivation over the past few weeks. I need to get my mojo back.

    1. Yes please give it a go. If my head becomes overloaded with the current situation it is a relief to walk out of the door and take in a dose of the open air.

  19. Am I the last one joining the party? It was a great pleasure Ilona to do the walking and become a member of the IWG!! I hope to continue in 2022.
    So far so good.
    I wish you a brilliant, healthy and adventureous new year.
    I did 1155 miles.


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