Saturday, 15 January 2022

Starting from scratch with the basics

I have recently found a new to me yoootooober to watch. They just appear on my screen, so I thought, worth exploring this one. I was pleasantly surprised. Martijn Doolaard bought a plot of land with two run down sheds, high in the mountains of Northern Italy. 
Access to the property is up a very rough track, he cannot get his four wheel drive close to the buildings. 
His videos are very gentle and relaxing to watch. Nothing is rushed. He has a drone which adds some stunning shots of the surrounding mountains. Later videos show him fixing up an electricity supply with solar panels, adapting the water supply which comes out of the ground, making a new door and window frames, and hauling up timbers from the woodyard down in the village on his trailer, to build a new roof. 
His neighbour on the other side of the hill built his cabin some time ago, and you get to see that. 
If you have run out of TV programmes to watch, give this a try. 
Have a good weekend.   ilona


  1. Enjoyed that, reminded me of my latest bothy trip

    1. I joined a guy once who was on a long walk which was to take him several weeks. He was well loaded up. He had a rucksack on his front as well as his back.


  2. I've been watching him for a while; it's a beautiful place.

    1. The drone shots of the snow on the trees are lovely.

    2. The drone phenomenon has done wonders for the Youtube community and thus armchair travellers like me. It's sad that they're being used to bomb and kill when they have so many wonderful and useful applications. I remember when they were first being built and experimented with, my ex-husband was instrumental in their development - very different to the tiny machines that can now land on a Youtuber's hand! They've come a long way in a short time.

  3. Really enjoyed watching that Ilona, thank you.

  4. At both the Welsh houses we've lived in, we've relied on our own water supply (from a spring). Doing what he is doing is something my husband and I would have loved to do when we were younger - as it was we moved to a different country (Wales) and bought a semi-derelict farmhouse to restore. That kept us busy for a few years.

    Thanks for the really interesting link.

  5. I've been watching him and he has done so much work ! Very interesting

  6. Fabulous video and well narrated, However such an exploit would not be for the faint hearted. I was cringing watching him move huge rocks and heavy equipment and wondering what would happen should he have a back injury. However I am the queen of What ifs". I will definitely watch the rest of the series on utube and thanks for posting its existence.


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