Thursday, 13 January 2022

The big question.

 I'm sure you will all know by now that BJ is in deep shit, up to his eyeballs I would say. He has been caught out, and the cracks are beginning to appear in our Government. The question is, should he stay or should he go. The answer is, it won't make any difference who is sitting at the head of the table, or even which party is in. 

They partied at No 10 because they knew the threat of catching something was practically non existent. The world leaders all turned up at their conferences, after jetting all around the globe to attend. Masks on, masks off for photo's. Elbow bumping and breathing all over each other, big smiles. All theatre. 

There is no point in arguing the toss about what he should do next. No point in spending hours listening to, reading about, and watching interviews. There are no magic answers. Anyone who is clamouring for his job, who thinks they know better, and has aspirations of being a great leader, they can forget it. 

The real leaders of this world are the ones who have the money. They have the power to flick a switch, or press a button, and close down everything we rely on.  

The wheels are in motion for radical changes to all our lives. Boris is a puppet who has no power to stop those changes, so it doesn't matter who is in. This morning VanTam has thrown in the towel. I suspect others will follow.

The house of cards will come tumbling down, but it will be a slow process, and needs the will of the people to say no thanks, I am not playing this game. 

That's all. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. It was never about a virus - that was the decoy and a lot of people fell for it because we trust our politicians don't we?! BOJO won't resign, he will be forced out by his own party by a 'no confidence' vote but the problem is who will replace him? I watch PMQs on Wednesdays to see what pertinent questions are asked - sadly there are very few MPs who are querying the Government's stance on the past 2 years.
    I am absolutely appalled by BOJO's behaviour (and the others who attended the 'parties'); I will never vote for the main political parties again - my vote will go to either UKIP, Reform or Independent.

  2. Iain Duncan Smith speaks in Parliament an hour ago.

    'There has been an agent of the Chinese government active here in Parliament, working with a Member of Parliament...'

  3. Sorry to hear about JVT I thought he had a human touch, and he's from our county - Boston apparently.

    1. I don't know why he is moving on. Perhaps he has had a better job offer.

  4. I have read and followed your blog for years you can write what you like to it is your blog. I have recently put comment which you have not published again it is your blog. I am not a troll my name is there it is Moira Sutherland same age as you. Life is very hard at the moment as I go about as near to normal as I can. I will not be frightened into locking myself up. I have traveled shopped walked and tried to keep going as normal.

    1. Thanks for publishing, covid exists, and also political manipulation, I don't think it was planned the opportunity was there and was seized. I live between two continents and see the different approaches I personally think there is a lot more to worry about than covid. There has always been kids in varsity protesting about things but this is the first time I have seen the accademis take any real action. People are frightened to say anything in case of backlash. Just take a look at J K Rowling.

    2. It might appear that countries are going about solving their problems in different ways, but they are all on the same programme working towards the same end.

  5. A genuine question Ilona, at the start of the pandemic Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital and was very poorly, do you think this was made up?

    Or do you think it was a stunt?

    1. I don't know. But what I would like to see is proof that everyone of them in the cabinet have been jabbed.

  6. Summer up very well. Thank you.

  7. Here in the US our own JB (Biden) had five big losses in the past week, which makes me happy, these losses are a win for freedom. Now I will go read about your BJ situation and find out what is going on.

    1. How I wish we here in America, had the option of a No Confidence Vote, like they do in Britain. So unfortunately, we will have our bumbling President and his side-kick for another 3 years.

  8. Follow the money and this is where it ends.

  9. The rats are leaving the sinking ship I think. Getting out before they are all held to account.

  10. I would like to know how many covid cases resulted from all these Downing Street parties. My guess is, none or very few, but we will never get an answer to this question from government or the media. I agree it makes no difference who is PM - Johnson should stay, to spare us the tedium of hearing about the election of a new leader. As you said, it makes no difference.

    There's an expression, "more fool you". Well, more fool all of us for doing as we were told, staying indoors, staying away from friends and family, watching our economy go south and our companies being taken over by foreign firms. We could have been out partying.

    Amanda, Sussex
    PS I understand JVT was on secondment, and has gone to his old job or something similar.

  11. Shows they weren't scared of 'the virus' doesn't it. Happy to party on. I am wondering why this has come out now. What are we being distracted from?...

    1. You are right to ask questions. I think there is something big looming on the horizon.

    2. I wondered that too. Somethings being hidden.

    3. This is a Great Reset theory, something that people are talking about. Because people are waking up they may have to bring their plans forward. The internet will stop working, no one will have access to their money, banks will collapse. Is it theory or will it really happen.

      Be alert. Expect Parliament to collapse forming a centralised government, banks to go under creating a digital currency. All part of the agenda (Great Reset). Read it.

  12. A great post Iona and you are spot on about its business that runs countries and governments are just puppets played by the strings of backhanders.

    1. That's it in a nutshell. It was all planned, and documented on the World Economic Forum's web site.

  13. I don't mind if you don't publish this but I want to tell you covid is very real. My sister's brother in law died of it. My daughter was very very ill with Delta varient and still has not yet recovered. She's 29 and was always fit and well. She had high temperature, vertigo, collapsed on the floor, neck and joint stiffness, chesty cough. Now 4 weeks later still getting temperatures and headaches and still coughing despite antibiotics. Also bad fatigue and can't stay awake all day. Please look after yourself and stay away from crowds. She worked in a school and had no choice. She was vaccinated but I'm pretty sure the vaccine is not much good anyway.
    Love your blog and read every few days xx

    1. We know it is real, nobody is disputing that. What we don't know is exactly where it came from. What we do know is that the Government has lied since the beginning, and now more people are becoming ill after being jabbed. Young fit and healthy athletes are dropping dead with blood clots reaching their heart and lungs. The jabbing has to stop.

  14. I enjoy your art Ilona and good luck getting chosen! Agree with you 100%. I'm not vaccinated, will not get vaccinated no matter what. I think what's going on is a horrendous abuse of power and control and I pray that there are no long term side effects from these jabs. My son and daughter were coerced into the jabs because they would've lost their jobs otherwise. BJ and JB are merely front men, puppets for the globalists who run the planet, as were all those who came before them as will all others be who follow. It is time for us to stop playing their game. I began 2022 with a promise to myself to not take out any loans or mortgages, to improve my health and gain better control over my food choices, and to stay out of shops and restaurants. I know this sort of behavior does nothing for the economy but so what? It's time to open our eyes to the damage done to the environment and to become a part of the solution. There are no easy answers but the public has a HUGE amount of power that it can collectively wield to gain more control over the narrative. Also, turn off the boob tube. Mass formation psychosis is real and it has been used to fear monger the population literally to death.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.