Saturday, 29 January 2022

Dear Truckers

Apologies to all the truckers in Canada and the USA. Sorry I couldn't join your convoy with my Western Star. Life has been pretty hectic. I took the rig to the Savoy Hotel where I had been invited to the Women of the Year Luncheon. Caused a bit of a stir I can tell you. The traffic was backed up for miles behind me, ha ha. I pulled up at the door and was swamped by the press, all wanting photo's. They had never seen anything like it before. I felt like a proper celeb as they all went crazy snapping away.  
Of course I got a bit dolled up, bought a new little black frock especially for the occasion. Big hair and plenty of slap on the old boat race. Rhyming slang you know, in London now. Heels with plenty of leg on show. I've got great pins. I always get lots of wolf whistles when I am out on the town. Does a girls ego a power of good you know. 

Mrs lady police didn't like it that I blocked the road with the Lady Louise. That's the name of the truck by the way. I couldn't help it. Fancy building a big posh hotel in the middle of the city with a narrow access road. No where to turn the rig round. Anyway, when all the photo's were done, I just left it there. 

So my trucker friends, keep on blasting your horns. Sorry to have missed your shindig. Sit it out until the big boss man has the balls to come out and speak to you. Good luck, and hold the line. My very best wishes, Trucker ilona. 


  1. Don't suppose they offered you valet parking?

    Thoroughly unimpressed (but not surprised) that mainstream newspapers, BBC and Sky are pretending the Freedom Convoy 2022 is not happening in Canada. Facebook have apparently deleted the groups relating to the truckers and Instagram have 'shadow banned' them. You can still find it with the hashtag though, they haven't managed to block that yet, or stop new Follows.

    1. They will never be able to silence them altogether. People will find a way to communicate with each other. The truth will win in the end.

  2. Ha ha - great post :) Trudeau is a dangerous coward. There's lots about the convoy on various preppers' Youtubes that I follow. Few lines on the online BBC site, "police say they're prepared for trouble"; hope the false flag isn't being unfurled. All power to the truckers :)

    1. There is talk that the peaceful protesters will be infiltrated by thugs out to cause trouble. It usually happens. They have quickly drafted a new law stating people are not allowed to gather alongside the road. I can't see anyone taking any notice of that.

    2. Police are reportedly warning of "lone wolves" among the crowds, causing trouble - false flag alert again. Something will kick off

  3. That police woman was probably jealous as heck.

    1. Ha ha. She was trying to hurry things up and get us to move it, but the photographers kept coming forward wanting more pics.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was a passenger, my friend Geoff drove it. It was his truck. It won a lot of prizes at the Truckshows.

      The Today newspaper was more like a magazine style.

  5. I've been watching the truckers on Telegram, it's not censored and there's loads of videos and information being updated all the time. I was watching the videos of the huge convoy of trucks roaring past, with men, women and children lining the roads and cheering them on. One video was backed with messages from children, thanking the truckers for fighting for their future. Its very moving - I had a lump in my throat watching it all and my eyes were filling up. It's an awesome sight, and they are standing up for all of us. Italy's trucks are on the move now, too. Fabulous pics, ilona. I admire the way you live your life to the full and on your own terms.
    Eliza from Wales.

    1. I have not yet signed up for Telegram. There are a lot of videos on yoootooob, which surprises me. Maybe they are getting swamped with them and can't keep up with deleting.

  6. I've just read about the CBC television host Nil Koksal suggesting the Russians are behind the truck convoy;
    “Given Canada’s support of Ukraine in this current crisis with Russia, I don’t know if it’s far-fetched to ask, but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows, but perhaps even instigating it from the outset,” she said.

    You couldn't make this stuff up............

    1. Accusations are coming thick and fast now from the other side. It is turning into a bloody battle. If these convoy protests escalate around the world, there is only one outcome. Food production will grind to a halt, and the economy will collapse. There are calls for everyone to dump their stocks and shares in the main stream media, sell sell sell. This would hit them hard.

    2. Truckers on the move in various U.S. locations, Australia, Netherlands, France, Hungary - European truckers to converge on Brussels. Nothing visible in U.K. so far

  7. OH I am so happy to find bloggers, who want Freedom, to have The Jab or not have it!!!!! I found your comment on another blog, and came over.

    Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck and Congratulations to the brave Truck Drivers of Canada!!!!!!!!

    From me, stuck in the trying-to-become-Communist USA.

    "Let's Go Brandon"



    1. Hello. Thanks for dropping by. The minority group are welcome here. Hopefully we can turn it around and become the majority group.

  8. I am in ONTARIO CANADA. He can't come out and talk to the truckers....he is isolating. Covid scare.

    1. I'm in Ontario too. Our illustrious leader is in hiding! He's been triple vaccinated, had a negative Covid test and has apparently had Covid last year but he's "in isolation."
      Go truckers go.

    2. He will have to come out sooner or later. I question the convenient covid scare.

  9. Wow!!!! What a way to arrive in style. That night had to be amazing. Keep on trucking guys and gals!!!

    1. It was amazing, I went three times altogether. Arriving in the truck was my second visit. It is a luncheon held every year in October. 500 women who have reached the top of their profession. I was delighted to get the invitations.

  10. Looking great ilona 💕..good photo's
    I remember your video about this the lady sheperdess and Edwina Currie was there

    1. The story about Katie Cropper, the shepherdess who won the competition, One Man and His Dog, is very inspiring. She came along with her border collie to the event. The Savoy said she would not be allowed to bring her dog in. Her reply was, if my dog does not come in with me, then I will not be attending. They backed down, and the dog lay by her chair throughout the luncheon, perfectly behaved.

  11. In Dokkum my hometown in the province of Friesland in The Netherlands they were on the move yesterday.
    It was moving... the cars and trucks' claxoning and the people yelling in support along the roads.

  12. A new video on the Ottawa situation. Not all trucks have reached the city yet. Many are heading towards it, but their journey is slow, because the roads have been littered with nails. There are teams of volunteers out there picking them all up to clear the way. Their resolve is as strong as every. They are set to spend as long as it takes. They have the money and the time to see it through. He cannot hide forever.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.