Friday, 14 January 2022

Hoping mine are chosen

I had the difficult job of choosing which three pictures to enter for the Open Exhibition at 20 21 Arts Centre. It's many months since I last saw them, and unwrapping them was like discovering them all over again. I could have picked at least ten out which I thought people would like to see. But the limit is three. 
This afternoon I delivered the first three that you see here 

It was a close call. The following didn't make it, so I wrapped them up and put them away in the wardrobe. 

It was a toss up between the spirals and the buttons. I like both of them equally. 

Covid would have been topical, but it's difficult to know what the judges are looking for. 

Malfunction also topical . A computerised human under attack.

I love these, but they didn't make it. They stay here for now. 

Now I have to wait until they have done the judging and chosen those they want for the exhibition. It runs from January the 29th to April 23rd. There are prizes to be won, but it would be nice just to have my work accepted so people could see it, and maybe purchase it. I have priced all three, the Arts Centre adds 40% as their commission. 

I am often asked if I sell my work online. I have to say no, sorry, I don't. Distance selling is a whole new ball game. I have no facilities for electronic payments, don't want to spend time packing them up for shipping, and the returns regulations are fraught with difficulties should someone be dissatisfied with their purchase. I can do without the hassle. There is no rush for me to sell anything. 

The weekend is here once more. I hope you have a good one. 

Thank you for popping in. Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. Very nice , good luck ilona 💕✌

    Levi x

  2. My favourite is the button heart. It's very eye catching. But they are all very good. It must have been a difficult decision.

    1. I love the button heart. I tried to imagine what a judge might look for from an artistic perspective. Impossible I know.

  3. Lovely pieces. Good luck Ilona, I do hope you sell them 🍀

    1. To sell one would be nice, but to see them exhibited in a gallery is reward enough.

  4. I like the three you chose, and the button heart!

  5. I love the button heart, it is truly a beauty. My other two favorites are the first two which you sent in for the judging.

  6. Well these are beautiful and intricate. They would certainly catch my eye in an exhibition. I love the second one and fourth one particularly. You could do your own outdoor exhibition this summer Ilona! Get the council to let you use an outdoor space for an art trail.

    1. I will look into an exhibition of my own. The winner of this one, in the judges opinion, is in line to get a cash prize and the offer of their own exhibition at the 20 21 Arts Centre. Don't suppose I will be that lucky.

  7. They are all lovely and you are definitely in with a chance!

    Amanda, Sussex

  8. I love your pictures. Gorgeous. I subscribe to some YouTubers in the States who sell on Etsy and do a no-return policy so it's easier. You may want to check that out and you only have to put something for sale whenever you feel like it. they add shipping cost to their price so buyer knows total cost. Many of them sell jewelry, handcrafts, artwork etc. Yours are pretty enough to be sold on there and would bring good money I think. I hope you check it out ;)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.