Monday, 31 January 2022

Back now

 What a to do that was. Part of the summer house roof blew off on Friday night. On Saturday a friend came round to help me put it back on. Two pairs of hands were needed to battle the wind. I didn't want to leave it exposed to the elements in case it rained. 

Yesterday it wasn't windy, today it is windy again. The roof isn't completely waterproof because I cant reach to stick the joins together with tape. I did have a big sheet of heavy duty plastic over the whole roof, but after two years it has disintegrated. 

This morning I went to see a man who makes market stall covers and suchlike. He has got just the right material to make me a bespoke piece which will cover the whole of the roof. He hasn't quite got enough of it in stock, and said he gets a delivery in about a week. In the meantime, I bought a ready made tarpaulin off him for £8. That will do the job for now. I am hoping my friend can come round and help me lay it out and fasten it down. 

While I was out I picked up a load of cat food from Home Bargains. I wanted a few other bits and bobs as well. Might as well do two jobs in one. 

Now it's coffee time. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Well done, you worked as a team. We are on South Uist atm and yesterday experienced our first true Hebridean storm! Couldn't stand or walk in it!I reckon about 90mph!!!! nn

    1. Another borrow of my friends husband. He helped me put the new tarp on.

      I watched Andrew Ditton's new video last night, he lives on the Uists, which one I can't remember. He did a live chat, he is down south at the moment. Someone sent him a message saying the wind up there is vicious. How come I see videos of sunny days and blue seas, when mostly it is windy.

    2. Its an odd archipelago (big word for me - sorry) there is no happy medium - there is either not a breath of wind and everything is flat and calm or the Atlantic anger bursts forth and you think it's going to blow your car over!

  2. What a nuisance, but it sounds like you've worked out a way to keep it dry. Arilx

    1. The wind is back again. I've checked the new tarp and it should stay put.

  3. Oh no!! I am sure you felt a sinking feeling when you saw the roof blown off. But once again you have will and you made a way. ☺️☺️ hopefully the new covering will come quickly and work like a charm.

    1. I did panic a bit. Luckily it didn't rain and I have it covered again.

  4. thats reminded me i must get my wellies on and go round the back for a post storm inspection

    1. I must admit, I have been a bit lax with my inspections. Some of the screws were loose on the roof panels. Big pots of conifers have blown over.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.