Tuesday, 18 January 2022


 If anyone is still not sure about what is going on, a new documentary was released on Brand New Tube on Saturday. It is 1 hour 50 minutes long and is a collection of interviews which have taken place over the last two years. They are well respected experts in their fields. The story starts right at the very beginning, not when it was first talked about, but before that. It ends at the present time we are at now. It isn't over yet, I think there is more to come. All countries are going in the same direction.  

I have seen a lot of these interviews while I have been researching this. They can also be found on Brand New Tube. When you have watched this video you may wish to explore further by looking up the longer versions. Or you may wish to dismiss it as a load of bunkum. It is up to you.

Whatever your thoughts on this as time goes on it is going to be much harder to dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. I think that notion has been well and truly slaughtered now. The plan is crumbling. More truths are coming out. People are waking up. There is widespread anger about the way the Governments and main stream media have been working together. I think that this can only erupt into civil disobedience, when they find out what has really been happening. The people have had enough. 

It's a lovely day outside. I will make the most of it, the garden needs tidying. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona  


  1. I see that there is an article about Sadiq Khan wanting people to pay by mile when driving a car - how on earth can a plumber, for example, run a business without pushing the costs of his fuel bill onto his customers? The plan is for zero carbon emissions by 2030 and on that basis most people with a job will either have to work from home - if there are any jobs - or rely on UBI which will of course be granted if the person adheres to the rules. Amanda

    1. They are pushing up the cost of driving a vehicle to get people off the roads.

  2. Hi Ilona,
    Interesting video here. Seems we are making progress at last.

    H x

    1. Yes, this is starting to happen. Crimes are being reported.

  3. Thank for sharing this video ilona-

    Levi x

  4. Thanks for sharing this Important and Impressive video Ilona. Is there a possibility for subtitling for those who can not understand (this spoken technical)English, of whom there are many here in my country, the Netherlands, and they should really be able / have the right to hear, know and see this, too.


    1. It says the video is in ten languages, but I have looked everywhere to find how to change it from English to something else. I will keep looking.

  5. To be more precise, I meant Dutch translation.

  6. Very impressed that the documentary included Pam Popper, a Doctor of Naturopathy, where diseases are treated or prevented with diet, exercise and massage, rather than drugs. The focus is on health care, not sick care.

    1. I like Pam Popper, she talks a lot of sense. I am shocked at how many people traipse off to our local medical practice to pick up their meds. Some ailments can be controlled with a good diet.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.