Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Plane spotting.

I had a drive out today, to Finningley, not far from Doncaster. I parked the car near the church. Makes it easier to find it when I have finished the walk.  
Robin Hood Airport is nearby, I wondered if I might be able to get close enough to take some photos. There is a path going out the back gate of the church, which joins another path which then follows the perimeter of the airfield. I decided to explore. 

There is a high wooden fence, and a wire mesh fence around the edge and the path is between the two. I walked in an anticlockwise direction. The path is well worn due to the locals using it for dog walking. The main buildings were quite a long way away from me, I had to zoom in to get this pic. Then I hit some brambles so I had to turn around and go in the opposite direction.

This is the end of the runway. I was hoping there would be some aircraft activity to take a few pictures of them landing and taking off. I wasn't so lucky, not a lot moving about. 

This was parked on the ground. Another zoom picture. 

Aha, one is coming in now. 
The fire engine trundling along. 

Almost back home and a stop to take some pics of the sunset. 
I noticed the reflection on my car bonnet and windscreen. That might make an interesting picture. 
What would it look like if I tilted the camera at a crazy angle. 
I was back home at just gone 5pm. It wasn't a long walk, just good to be in a different place. A nice afternoon out. Thanks for popping in.

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. There is something quite thrilling about watching planes land, especially the bigger ones, and take off too. In the UK Lakenheath air force base is one of the most thrilling for the F16's and here in the US Los Angeles International Airport if you stand in the car park of the IN N Out restaurant you can be right under the 747 coming in from all over the world. Ilona I am writing a blog about my horse memoirs but it has other things of hopefully interest too including in England. The beginning needs a scroll down here is the link. Or copy and paste

    1. Thank you for the link. You have a lot of stories to tell. Your photo's must bring back many happy memories.

    2. And I am having quite an interesting time writing them. I was wanting something to occupy me in the late afternoon when I get bored .

  2. Your camera does a great job zooming!!! Pictures are still so clear. Looked a beautiful day weather wise. I love how your not afraid to go places and peek around. Keep on letting us tag around, we will try and keep up the pace. 😊😊

    1. I am running out of places to go within a short driving distance. I need to go further afield.

  3. An interesting afternoon you had and the sunset was lovely. I spent a long time watching it in my garden with the fields in front of it. I think sunsets/sunrises are magically.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. Yes, they are magic, even if you think nothing is happening. If you stare at it little changes become apparent.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.