Friday, 14 October 2022

A walk and a chat

It was a late breakfast/early lunch today. A Brunch. Two hash browns, two Quorn nuggets, a veggie Lincolnshire sausage, potato salad, a mushroom, rocket salad leaves, and an egg. Filled me up loverly. 
Twas a nice day so I went for a walk. My usual route with a bit extra tagged onto it. I was sat on the bench when two horse riders came by. I have seen them before. They have stables nearby. 

Halloween decorations are starting to appear. Grove Cottage have made an effort to join in the fun.

The blue skies clouded over. It looked like it might rain. I called in to see my friend June. Luckily she was in this time. We had a natter. Her kitchen had a lovely baking smell. Apple pies and a quiche were in the oven. 
I got caught in heavy rainfall when I was ten minutes away from home. Luckily I had the brolly so I didn't get too wet. Dinner tonight was something quick in a pan. Mushrooms, noodles, courgette and spinach on a slice of bread. 

Eight miles walked and now I am ready for bed. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Your brunch sounds delish Ilona - I' m eating a bit differently now - If I have a larger meal say at 3 pm - then I have eg.cereal for supper x

    1. It's good to swap meals around a bit. I eat whatever I fancy when my stomach tells me to eat.

  2. How did you do your egg Ilona? I think I remember from a previous post you microwave? Just adjusting to cooking for one since Ady's passing so any tips are grateful. Clayre

    1. I put a teaspoon of oil in a small saucepan, enough to cover the bottom. Break the egg into it, puncture the yolk so that it spreads, flip over after a few seconds, and it's done.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.