Wednesday, 25 September 2019

A few random pics

Looks like we're in for another day of rain, musn't grumble, at least we are not having it as bad as some parts of the country. Not a lot going on here, except erm….sewing. Camera always at the ready, here are a few pics.

My breakfast on Monday morning. A big wedge of seeded bread, topped with mushrooms, couscous, spinach, an egg, and beans. Then I went to Crafty Club where someone brought in a big bag of unwanted embroidery silks. There was plenty for everyone and what was left over was donated to the hospice charity shop. It was full house, our group is growing.

There was I walking along the North Yorkshire Coast last week, when I spied something white in the hedge bottom. First thoughts were someone has chucked away a piece of clothing which is damaged. Maybe dirty or has holes in it. I picked it up. It looked almost new, sparkly white, mostly clean with a mark on the sleeve. I'm having that I thought, ha ha.

I hand washed it, the mark is mostly gone, and it fits me. Looks like some kind of cycling or walking sportswear. Found it on MMD site for £20. Pretty good eh, keep your eyes open you never know what you might come across.

Vicki gave me some veggies from her garden, some of it has been turned into soup. Cooked in a pan, zapped with a stick blender in the pan, eaten out of the pan. Minimum washing up. A second portion for lunch today. Delisssshus.

My little sweetheart Mayze makes me laugh. The table outside the back window comes in very handy when the pussies want to come back in. Mayze and Oscar both use it, but Heidi hasn't got the hang of it yet. She waits by the back door to be let in. Or if she is at the front she will be under the car. Then I let her in the front door.  
New small arty piece started on Sunday. Strips of tee shirt fabric woven onto a small fridge shelf. It's been a year since I found it on the tip at Orkney. At last I'm doing something with it.  
That's it for now. Still raining so back to the sewing. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. It must be our lucky week for getting freebies!.You have done very well there.I was surprized yesterday when my Daughter came in with 3 prizes that I had won on the raffle that I had a go on last weekend for Rainbows childrens hospice.I didnt expect to win anything.I was just happy to give some money for a good cause.Then found out that I had won some Summer punch,a token for £25 at a local pub for drinks or food and another token for a meal and drink for 2 people at a little village cafe which is the next village to where i live.....I was amazed!!.People in Leicester are always very good with donating prizes to Rainbows cause it is a local charity.Your photo of Mayze is lovely,she looks so cute!!..Well its been raining heavy again in Leicester this morning,but stopped now,so Ive took the risk of hanging some sheets out.They will most likely be there all week,lol.xx

  2. Nice post Ilona! Breakfast looks really tasty. I think I will treat myself to a cooked one this week. That top was just waiting for you to find it! Cute little photo of Mayze. Oh, and to let you know that the postman has just been and delivered my bag. It is so well made and very roomy. I like the embroidered name detail too. Thank you so much Ilona. It was very kind of you to send. x

  3. Another Post that cheered me. Thanks xx

  4. Hi Ilona your breakfast looks really tasty. May try it at the weekend. The photo of Mayze is delightful she is a pretty girl. Amy and Benny have been in a lot lately due to the heavy rain we have had most of the week I dont need a window cleaner nature is better. Love your craft work and the colours you choose. Have a lovely coming weekend maybe next week will be drier. Hope so. Love Liz Amy and Benny.xxxxx

  5. It's just the weather to think about making soup. Its simple and nutritious. Looking forward the rain passing do I can get back to walking.

  6. Your Mayze is a cutie pie Ilona - Such a great find with that top.Today I found an umbrella in a dustbin,it was perfectly alright,I did have to reach right in with a walking pole to reach it and I got a reflective clothing strip that I shall use when it's a dark.Nice food ,I must eat more mushrooms x

  7. We have a garden bench outside our sitting room window. All our previous cats have climbed on it and peered through the window to be let in. Our recent acquisition, a 10 year old rescue, hasn't got the hang of it yet - she may well cotton on when the weather gets colder and no way am I leaving the back door ajar for her to come and go as she pleases!

  8. Mayze has such an expressive face!


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