Friday, 27 September 2019

A new tapestry for the church.

We have a new tapestry in our village church. It was designed about two years ago by the children from the village school. Someone started it, then it got put to one side, then it appeared again. Ann our Crafty Club leader brought it into our Monday morning meeting and asked if anyone could help with it. There was still a lot to do. I think the idea was that we could do it as a group project. 
Some of our members don't sew, they knit, so that narrowed it down a bit. Some members have other commitments and wouldn't have the time, so that narrowed it down further. 
I had to admit that I didn't want to get involved in a project, especially a group project, that was going to drag on for a long time, I didn't want the commitment. Others felt that way as well. I can't work to someone else's  pattern I have to make my own up as I go along. After discussion Ann said she would take it on. And now it is finished, one year later, with help from Carol who put the backing on. 
It looks very nice hanging in the church, Ann has done a good job. 

The Children's Corner.

When I took these photo's on Thursday they had tables set up for a coffee morning and service. Good idea. I like having a look inside churches when on my travels, but I don't go to services in our village church.
Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I am no religious but when I am out and about I always pop into a church or cathedral, the art work and the creations the locals do are amazing.

  2. What a good job Ann has done on the tapestry, it looks lovely.

  3. That tapestry is beautiful and looks lovely hanging there!.I must admit I dont think that I would have wanted to get involved with the making of it but I have got every admiration for those who have and they have done it proud.I love looking around old churches and grave yards too!The only service I go to is one held every year by the funeral place that arranged my Dads funeral.It is held every year in December,with a Christmas tree where you can write a message on a star for your loved ones and hang them on the tree.They do a lovely service and serve tea,coffee and even a buffet afterwards.I like the idea of a childrens corner in churches as long as the parents are there as well to play quietly along with the kids!!.When I go to the Christmas service this year,I have already thought about taking some teddies that I have had stored away for the last 10 years.They are new,never been played with and last year I saw a few young parents struggling to join in the service but also juggling a baby!.So maybe a new teddy for them to look at will give the mams and dads just enough time to sing along without worrying that their little one is wanting to pull the ladies hat off in front of them,lol...Well,its cool here in Leicester today but no rain!.A lovely day with blue skies.Just right for putting my warm 50 year old jumper Mam bought it for me when I was 14! old blue jeans and my warm coat and walking boots and going for an hours walk before I go to my Mams house...thats after I have got the family sorted out,lol.Hope you all have a lovely weekend,xx

  4. Well done to Ann in completing the job! I must admit that I am great at starting projects but not so good at finishing them. :)

  5. It's a lovely tapestry, with lots of complication to it. I like that there are "real" fish being caught in the net. I'm sure the children will notice that. Most such tapestries that I've seen in churches have been much simpler in design so this one is quite special I think. If I were a member of the church I'd enjoy having something as detailed as that to look at and think about.

  6. Beautiful work on the taparsly it looks beautiful x

  7. The Tapestry looks great, thanks for sharing x

  8. The tapestry is very nice and glad it finally was finished. At one church a few years ago there was a lady that made banners that hung in front at church. I really enjoyed seeing them. Rarely see tapestrys here in the US. Stained glass in the UK is lovely.. Simple stained glass in church we attend. No people, nor flowers. But church is a good place for us to be on Sunday a.m. most weeks.

  9. Beautiful tapestry i love looking round churches, i like the peaceful feeling that you get once sat inside. X


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