Friday, 6 September 2019

Looking for bargains in the town.

I dragged my shopping trolley around town this afternoon because I knew my haul was going to be too heavy to carry. First stop was the bank, to take out some cash from the machine inside the bank. I never use cash machines outside in the street. 
I checked the usual shops for cat food prices, before I made my purchases. No cat food in Poundstretcher, but I did come across cartons of soup for 19p each. Worth a try I thought at that price, so I got five. 
I popped in the Age UK Charity Shop and found these socks, five pairs for £1. I like knee highs in the winter. Just Tried one on and they fit my size 5 foot, hooooray.

 I found cat food in Wilko, they had an offer on Sheba pouches. Saved £7 on four boxes. Small Sheba pouches I bought from Home Bargains, £1.65 for a six pack. At Asda I bought two bags of Whiskas dry, £4 each. And I bought some Whiskas and Felix pouches from the pet stall in the market. Oscar used to eat these but he went off them. I am hoping he will go back on them again because they are cheaper than Sheba. That will keep me going for a while.

There are a lot of empty shops in our town centre, one part of it is like a ghost town. They have been trying to cheer the place up a bit though by putting big posters in the empty shop windows, and big signs above saying, to rent at a reasonable rate. I noticed that some of the stalls in the market have become vacant, and it's only been open a few weeks. Looks like people gave it a try and it didn't work out. I think all towns have the same problem, rents and overheads too high and not enough sales.

Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Great bargains, if you don't like the soup as it is you could add more veg etc or use as a base for your veggie stews.
    The supermarkets sell everything now and cheaply, it is killing the high streets.

    1. Yep, if the soup is not so good, add something to it to pep it up. Chuck in a few spices, thicken with porridge oats, add a bit of grated cheese.

  2. Saw those soups today and thought bet Ilona would buy those got a couple for myself.maybe you teaching us how to be frugal and not buy in waste is contributing to less shops because we are all meanqueens now i always think is it a need or a want before i buy anything now .sat with my legs in a sleeping bag because they are chilly not putting the heating on you've taught me a lot thankyou xxx

    1. Good for you, Kath. Hang on to your money until the time comes when you can really treat yourself.

    2. thank you Kath, never thought of using a sleeping bag. I am sure it will be warmer than a blanket that I have to keep tucking in round my legs, every time I move.

  3. There are lots of places in Leicester becoming vacant too.Trendy bars that think that people will pay £6 for a bottle of beer,Delis,that sell pastas,rice n salamis for 6 times the amount you would pay in Aldi.They close down,stand empty for a year and then someone else comes along trying the same thing again.Coffee shops,sandwich bars again closing down.We have lost Walkers the butchers in this last year,the list goes on and on.Places that have been there since I was a kid,all gone now.I think that most people are cutting back on what they are spending,the landlords get greedier.My Mam said last week that parts of Leicester are becoming a ghost town.The only places that seem to have plenty of people in are the charity shops and Weatherspoons....and I put my hand up,that I dont use the expensive shops either.Its a case of that if they dont take enough money they have no option but to close down.xx

    1. There seems to be a divide, those who can afford high prices and those who can't. When people realise that they can no longer afford their affluent lifestyle, they have to cut back somehow. M & S are struggling again, Boots are closing some shops, and I can see WH Smith are going to go bust if they don't change their business model. Our store has re opened the upper floor to sell off a lot of stock at knockdown prices. People lose their jobs and can't afford to shop there any more.

    2. It is a shame because I know that they are trying to make the place look better when they open these nice posh places.I see it in St Martins square in Leicester, lovely bars and shops,with handmade soaps,eco friendly things,toothbrushes,make up pads ect.But I think that people have a look round,oohh and arrr over the stuff then walk out without buying anything and think..I will maybe buy some of those for Christmas gifts.The rest of the year,we make do with what we already have...again Guilty as charged!!.I save all year living a frugal life so I can shop for these nice things for the grown up grandkids at Christmas and Birthdays.But these shops need support all year round to keep going and I cant do that.I have had shops my self years ago and had to close both after about 2 years for various reasons.It cost us alot of money at the time because they were empty units and we paid to have them kitting out,shelving,counters,rails,stock,tills ect.We would never do it again!!.And this is what the small places are still going through.Then the landlords put the rent up....It is just a vicious circle!,xx

  4. very similar to Market Rasen.

  5. Even our main shopping street in the city-centre has empty spaces; unheard of when I was growing up. I think it's the rents that kill them off. Shame because it gives an air of weariness. Puzzingly though, we have streets with loads of independant coffee shops that seem to thrive even when nextdoor to each other.

    1. That's the same here. Some people come for the social aspect of it, sitting outside a coffee shop and chatting. There are a lot of apartments in close proximity of our town, I think people like to get out for a walk.

  6. I'm wondering why you never use the cash machines on the streets?

    1. Because they can be tampered with. False fronts can be attached, and tiny cameras can be positioned to point at the keyboard. People can be watching either closely or a few feet away, to what you are doing. Criminals can be waiting to snatch the cash out of your hand as soon as you take it from the machine. They can snatch your bag or purse out of your hand. All these things have happened.

      Always be aware of what is happening around you.

      I would rather go into a bank and use a machine, or get cash from over the counter.

    2. Yes,we too had this in the village several years ago and we were warned in the local free paper by the police about it.It was on several machines x

  7. Thanks so very much for reading my blog and making a comment! Here in the USA, many towns struggle with the same urban problems. Rents are often too high and independent shops are squeezed out by big corporations. It's hard. Susan

    1. Your art is beautiful. I love to see what you are making.

  8. I never use a cash machine only ever get cashback from supermarkets. My friend had purse snatched with cash in it at a cash machine. Luckily 3 builders nearby saw it, chased the thief and got it back for her. Put me right off cash machines.

    1. A horrible thing to happen. You can't be too careful.

  9. I was in Leicester recently and found that walking into town from the station was a very unpleasant experience. So many aggressive beggars/rough sleepers. Town Hall fountain being overtaken with loose pit bulls and shouting at 9am. Who would want to shop in the town centre??
    Such a shame Walkers has shut but when a huge proportion of the population don't eat pork, well!
    The other thing I picked up on is that even the Waitrose in Oadby shutting. They just don't sell what the people with money in Leicester want to buy.

  10. the high street is being killed by greed, landlords, business rates even commercial energy supplies cost far more than people realise . ive just realised i havent been to Scunnie for four years but then we dont get far these days with himself hobbling


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.