Saturday 14 September 2019

Fair swap

You might remember the post I did recently about my visit to Art in the Pens, an arts and crafts event in Thirsk. Here's a link to jog your memory. I had a smashing chat with Brett James of Feral Metal, he makes all kinds of sculptures out of any scrap he comes across. Metal, glass, wood, it all gets used. I took a liking to the saws he had on display, and cheeky me managed to do a deal with him. You make me a saw, and I'll send you something I made. 
It has arrived. Pretty cool eh! I hope he likes the spoons and forks wall decoration, and uses his cloth shopping bag. I think this would look good on the Summer House. 

Brett is at the Harrogate Flower Show this weekend. Call in and say hello if you are there. He posts his whereabouts on his Facebook Page. I see he has some new hand crafted kettle lamps, they look lovely.

The button picture is completely finished, I've shown it to my friend and she thinks it is absolutely amazing. I'm pretty chuffed with it as well. Pictures coming soon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. What a talented guy!.That Ilonas Place saw is fantastic and I am sure that you will make great use of it!.I would love that on the entrance to my garden.I am sure that he will love your return gift...i have had another freebie today.My Grandaughter didnt want her puppy dog slippers...,so I have made good use of them!They are keeping my feet so warm as I speak,so I dont care what they look like,I love them!!,xx

  2. Looks wonderful. Bet they sell like hotcakes. Can you post us a pic of what you sent him?

    1. One of these.

    2. I love those. Hope he sends you a pic of where he places it. Might be nice for you to see.

      I thought that was very nice/cool, when I read you and he "traded art".

  3. How lovely is that!! It's a beautiful thing.

  4. Lovely sign Ilona and I'm sure that Brett will be equally happy with your wall decoration x

  5. I love your generosity in featuring the work of other artists. And your blog friends spread around the world get to see and appreciate art works we would never otherwise see. I love the saw!


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