Monday, 23 September 2019

Me and Vicki walking in the Yorkshire Wolds..

Twas a fine day for a walk last Thursday when I met up with Vicki at Huggate, in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Rolling hills, gentle slopes with a couple of steepish climbs. We have been trying to find a date suitable for us both for a while now. I'm busy, Vicki is busy, sun too hot, or raining. At last we did it. 
We were using a walk from the Country Walking magazine. It was nine miles, with written directions. We both had Ordnance Survey maps as well. It's not a good idea to just use the guide as it doesn't cover a wider area if you need to adjust the route and add a bit extra, which we did. 
Two other walking groups had the same idea as we did, and parked in Huggate. At one time three people were behind us, then later we came across another group going in the opposite direction, but most of the time we were alone. A beautiful day for a walk. 
I have come across this type of bench before, very arty, curved pieces of wood fixed to a metal frame. 
We walked through Wold House Farm, a very big farm, which I noticed was neat and tidy, no rusty old wrecks lying around here. 
Onward through the Great Plantation.

At this point we decided to add a bit extra to the magazine walk, it was too early to head off back to the start. Best make the most of the lovely weather while we have the chance. 
Vicki checking the map and deciding which path to take.

Part of the route we were following was the Yorkshire Wolds Way, the last bit was the Minster Way. Back at Huggate we went for a drink at the tea room there, not inside but sitting out in the sun. Vicki had tea and I had coffee, and erm.....cake. Eleven miles walked today, that has given our mileages a boost. Vicki is beating me. I am pacing myself month by month, Vicki is surging ahead because she may want to ease off a bit when winter sets in. Very sensible. 

I've just eaten a massive humungous breakfast. Beans, egg, mushrooms, couscous, spinach, on a big wedge of seeded bread, that's set me up for the day, now off to Crafty Club. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I love your photo's, I live in the south of UK, and we do not travel north as much as we should. So your photos are showing me a park of UK, not know to me, thank you.

    1. I'm glad it's useful to you. I am guilty of not going south very often. Reasons being that accommodation is more expensive, though I could probably afford it, also I like to have an OS map so I can find my way. I already have maps for Lincolnshire and north through Yorkshire and beyond, and across to the other side of the country, so it makes sense to use them.

  2. What absolutely beautiful scenery Ilona. It just lifts your spirits being outside in the sunshine surrounded by beauty while keeping fit.

  3. This is a new bit of the country to me. I can only go to places that have a bus or train station. Lovely day for it wasn't it ? 11 miles, crikey, that is brilliant ! Nice pics too.

  4. Hi Ilona, have you thought about using Airbnb for any of your breaks? It can work out cheaper than a hotel and the choice of accommodation is brilliant.

    1. Hi Julie. Thanks for the suggestion. I know many people use it, but it's not for me. I prefer to book with a hotel that has a web site so I know what I am getting.

  5. I would loved to have done that walk.It looks a beautiful area.You picked the right day for it as well.Here in Leicester,it is raining really hard today,yet only 2 days ago I was sitting in my Mams garden under the sun umbrella because it was so hot!.So it looks like a day in for me today sorting my colder weather clothes out.I know that I wont have to buy any because I have got enough to last me until I am a 143 years old...thats what my Hubby says,lol.You know even if its raining,I love to put my old parka coat on,pull the hood up and go for a walk,even if its only for half an hour around the local streets.xx

    1. Chucking it down here, I nearly put the heating on, ha ha.

  6. Wonderful day for you both x


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