Sunday 8 September 2019

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Sunday Snigger.

This cracks me up.
Toodle pip


  1. It made me laugh too but poor dog - he obviously wasn't at all keen.

    1. Most dogs don't like it, it's the click that makes them flinch. I had to do Rocky's one at a time, while he was asleep.

  2. Such a good dog,my naughty teddy is wriggly and tried to bite the vet when he had his done a few months ago but lovely lily will let me do hers and the cheeky ones are ok at the moment x

  3. Linda, Teignmouth, S.Devon8 September 2019 at 16:04

    Oh thank you for that Ilona. It did make me laugh.

  4. It didn't make me laugh at all. Sadly there are too many clips like this. The dog is obviously stressed yet the owner thinks it's funny to broadcast it for others to laugh at.

    I guess we're all different but as an animal lover I don't find anything funny about seeing an animal put in a stressful situation.

    1. I am an animal lover too Jean, but in this case the dog had his nails trimmed as most dogs do, unless they are walked on pavements.My dogs still have theirs done even though they are not keen.If I knew how to film my teddy having his hair brushed each day some may think it's awful as he likes to roar like a lion.As we all know Ilona loves animals and cared for and loved little Rocky,numerous cats,the cat charity etc etc etc x

    2. Flis, ignore Jean. I almost didn't publish her comment, she can be a grouch sometimes.

    3. In other words unless everyone agree with you in every way they're not welcome here? I gave my opinion of the clip but it didn't agree with yours.
      What an opinionated, smug and self satisfied person you are!
      Don't bother to reply as I won't be here to read it. Although I'm sure you'll just have to reply as you'll need to have the last word. It won't be read by me.

    4. Oh hear we go again. Jean won't come back to read this, so she says. She has done this before, I really don't know why she comes here at all. Jean, it's my blog, I can have the first word, the last word and all those words in between.

    5. On dear Jean,don't get your knickers in a twist-Calm down,you are just showing yourself up in front of us all.Tut,tut,tut.

  5. poor pup.

    we used to have a big dog. Clipped his nails a couple of times, and he did not care for it. he'd try to pull paw away (gently), and try to push our hands away with his nose (gently). Suddenly we realised we had not clipped them for a LONG time. Suddenly realised he nibbled them off him self. Somehow he realised we thought they needed "clipping" and did it. Smart pup.

  6. I thought this was a hoot also. I had just finished clipping front nails of one of my cats. He is o.k. with it, but I can't do the others. Animals have their own mind, especially about grooming. I enjoy your blog. Mary Ann Cauthen


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