Thursday 12 September 2019

How many buttons....the winner.

The heart is full of buttons, but there is still more to do on it to finish it. So how did I count the buttons. When I got to 34 I thought I had better write it down every time I added one. When I had filled it I wondered if my calculations were accurate because I couldn't remember sometimes if I had made a note or not. I decided to double check and count them all at the end. 
I pinned a piece of clear cellophane over the top, and used a felt tip pen to write the numbers on every one. 
The black pen was running out of ink so I changed to a red one. When it got to three fugures I couldn't fit it onto the small buttons, some are really tiny, so I went from 100 back to 1, and 200 back to 1. 
So how many are there? As I was working on it I thought there might be around the 300 mark, but I was wrong. There are 252 buttons. Checking it confirmed that my first calculation was right. There are several quite close guesses, none spot on, but the nearest is 254, so take a bow PJ Kincaid, you are the winner. I will send you a surprise lucky bag. 
I'm going to give three runner up prizes as well because you were very close. Kim guessed 255, Simone 256, and Vintage Crafter 247. I will send you a shopping bag each. 
Send me your postal addresses in a comment which I won't publish, or in an email, address on the sidebar. Well done everybody. I will post pictures of the heart when it's finished. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Congratulation to everyone who were close! I was way off! Ilona, you will have to start another project to use up the rest of the buttons I had you dig out for the heart. ;>)

  2. That is really gorgeous! And a lot of detailed work too.

    1. I took it into the arts centre this afternoon to show my friends there. They said the buttons look like a lot of sweeties, and they do.

  3. Well done!!.It looks lovely and congratulations to the winners!!...and now I am going to throw a strop,mutter to myself,and fold my arms tightly because I was no where near the correct amount,lol,xx

  4. The heart looks lovely, Ilona. Heartily congratulations to the winners, well done!


    1. You were quite close with your guess, but not close enough.

  5. Looks lovely well done to tha closest winners x

  6. Well done to all the winners. Your finished heart looks beautiful - you should be proud of it Ilona :)

    1. It's not finished yet, it will look lovely.

  7. Congratulations to the winners I was way out.
    The heart looks really pretty and such a good idea. Thank you Ilona for doing it.
    Hazel c uk

  8. When I look at that photo I find it very relaxing, almost like watching fish in a tank. I think it must be because there is so much detail and I find it absorbing.. Sharon

  9. Thank you Vintage Crafter. I will post your bag out to you next week. Well done.

    1. Oh thank you so much! You are such a generous lady! I love your blog and all of your beautiful creations. I look forward to my "prize" :)

  10. Thank you Simone. I will post your bag out to you next week. Well done.

  11. It looks great and is so colourful. At my mother's church they had a guessing game (pay 20p and guess) for the fete. It was buttons in a glass jar. Interestingly it was won by a retired pharmacist who was, of course, used to pills!


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