Thursday, 5 September 2019

If I can help somebody as I pass along......

This comment has cheered me up no end, and I thank Athena for sending it. I copy it here, because it shows that there are some lovely people who appreciate the hours I spend tapping away on this keyboard, sharing my life with anyone who wants to read it.

I get similar comments from lovely blog readers, and I appreciate them all, some have been reading for a long time. I don't expect compliments, I don't expect praise, in fact I feel a bit embarrassed about it. But hey ho, it's nice when it happens. I don't recall seeing Athena's name before, I think she has been secretly viewing from the sidelines. This was a nice surprise this morning when I checked in.

I need to thank you Ilona. 8 years ago i started my frugal journey. Initially saw you on tv. No i was not in debt but living from pay to pay. Decided mortgage had to go!. Paid of £85000 in 6 years took in lodger lived on yellow sticker food!. Every penny budgeted!. All clothes charity shop. Now have saved for 2 years half my income. Now can retire in 4.5 months from nhs at 55. Without mortgage paid and savings no. For that i thank you!. Athenax

I write the blog for me, if someone finds something useful in it that's the bonus. Athena I am so pleased that you are on track for a wonderful retirement. The burden of a mortgage has gone, due to all your money saving and planning. You should be proud of yourself, I am proud of you.
Best wishes,  ilona


  1. I also love your blog and it's wonderful how Athena took the path she did at least partially through your influence. You put a lot of good out there, Ilona!

  2. Good job Athena! And some well deserved praise Ilona.

  3. I spend far less than I used to on wasteful stuff since I've been reading your blog Ilona.I am still tempted but nearly always think of you and I resist.Also my priority is my dogs and so stop myself.Congratulations Athena and Thankyouu Ilona x

    1. Animals always have to come pretty high up on the priority list when it comes to budgeting.

  4. "I don't expect compliments, I don't expect praise"

    Which you like to keep telling us..

    1. I knew this post would bring the troll out of it's hole. So how long have you been reading my blog, how come you remember every single thing I have said over the last 11 years. I may have mentioned it once or twice. Troll you ought to go on Mastermind, and choose 'Ilona's Blog' as your specialist subject. I think you would win it.

    2. Troll,what is wrong with you? Don't you realise that you are not wanted here

    3. Don't worry Flis. All under control here.

    4. BR22 Oh dear, such envy and vitriol, please 'have a word with yourself'. We are all friends here: change your attitude and come and join us, your life will change for the better.

    5. Jealous I think is the word for BR22. Ilona I see you as my mentor to leading a happy, healthy and slight eccentric life ....Sharonx

  5. Hi Ilona Mayze Heidi and Oscar - lovely comments from Athena. You have helped many of us to budget economise and recycle. It certainly has worked like you i watch out for bargains. Bought a big box of Whiskas for the cats today with a coupon which cut down the food bill. You are an inspiration and very helpful. Love your blog. xxxxx lIZ Amy and Benny.xxxxx

  6. We don't need praise but it's still nice when someone says thank you. Good on you, Ilona

    1. Yes it is. A plain and simple thank you is enough.

  7. Thank you Ilona and Athena. The comment, post and blog are inspirational.

  8. Well done Athena!.I think that most of us here have took on board how to save and live a great life as well.And it is all down to you Ilona showing us how you have done it.My life has altered so much and that started from the first time I clicked on your blog....Troll,maybe its because you are not used to receiving any compliments your self that you get maybe a little bit jealous when others do?.Is that the reason you feel bitter and twisted?.Never mind.The nearest I can get to giving you a compliment is that I feel a bit sorry for you and I hope that you feel a bit better soon,lol.xx

  9. Thanks for all you do, we have been on a journey too and love it,no one needs to tell me that saving money where ever and when ever is not good.I live my life and leave others alone, my sister in law seems to think we are all impressed with all the stuff in her house...nope. Keep up the good fight and ignore the trolls, they really have to find a better hobby, just think of all the time they must spend looking for posts to read and trash. Have a great day everyone.


  10. Hello, Linda here from New Zealand. That’s how far your blog reaches. Your tips are wonderful - food is very expensive here and there are few yellow stickers. Our aim is to be as self sufficient as possible so I follow your tips as much as possible. I now get about 4 cups of tea from one teabag, stretch meals as far as they will go, and eat less meat.Nobody seems to notice. You are a clever lady, and I get a lot out of what you put up.
    So cheers to you.

    1. Less meat is a good idea. Nobody has to give up eating things they like, just keep in mind what is good for you and what is bad. And of course only buy what you can afford. Luckily my tastes are simple. Plain cooking for me.

  11. So wonderful! You are a shinning light Ilona!

  12. Well I must say a big thankyou to you, you inspired me to start my journey, your blog and Frugal Queens where the first blogs I found, I was then hooked, so thankyou for sharing all your advice,wisdom and tips, I enjoy everything you write, whether its money saving, what you have been up to, walks, your animals, love it all. xxx

  13. I agree with everyone. I love this blog, I read it everyday and find it full of great stuff. Also you are so honest and helpful and kind. This is like a good family to belong to. Thank you Ilona. xx


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