Thursday, 5 September 2019

A pan of stew goes a long way.

I was planning on doing a yellow sticker shop last night, not much left in the fridge. Then I made a delicious curry-ish stew out of bits of this and bits of that, whatever I had left. 
I found a large courgette on my doorstep, don't know who left that for me but it came in very useful. Also I was given some apples, they went in this hotpot as well. I had one carrot left, five mushrooms, and a few spinach leaves. Some sliced potatoes, a bit of broccoli, and a handful of frozen broad beans, and some Quorn mince. It was bloomin lovely.
So I didn't bother to go to Tesco last night, this will keep me going another couple of days.

I wondered if I should maybe go tonight. I've eaten two portions of this today, and there's still some left for lunch tomorrow.

I took Heidi to the vet this afternoon for her medication review. She is fine and I came away with another 60 tablets, some flea treatment, (she hasn't got fleas), and £44 lighter.

As I was passing Aldi I thought she wouldn't mind if I popped in on the way home. She is very good in her cat carrier, doesn't mind at all. I spent £9.63 on a few essentials because I had run out of bananas, eggs, cheese, Mayze's chicken, and yogurt. They have an offer on at the moment, a bag of five bananas for 45p. I rooted through them and picked the bag with the biggest bananas in it. I normally buy them singly for 13p each as this is cheaper than the normal price of a bag.

So I didn't go to Tesco tonight either, because my few essentials will keep me going over the weekend. I'm running low on cat food though so I'll have to go to town tomorrow and trawl the discount stores.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Looks delish. I bet you easily get your 5 a day!

  2. That looks very similar to what I ate yesterday and today Ilona.For the last couple of weeks I've chucked apples into the pot too.Mines had vegs and spinach also,not so many ingredients as yours though.Today I put eggs in.The curry part was a bit of a jar a month out of date.I'm pleased Heidi is doing ok x

    1. Nice to see you back Flis, wondered where you had gone. x

    2. Thanks Amanda,I haven't been anywhere,just couldn't comment for a while,but now I've got a new I pad.I have been reading Ilonas blog every day, even on my holidays- I just love it x

  3. I finished off a stew today that I made on Tuesday - I love a stew and sometimes add a little curry powder to change it up a bit. I part cook frozen sprouts and broccoli and add them nearer the end of cooking time :)

  4. Nice comforting food. Cheap and tasty.

  5. Very similar to what we have eaten over the last 2 days as well!.I had 2 supermarket carrots,1 parsnip,half a turnip,a onion,garlic clove...then I went into the garden...2 cabbage leaves,one baby courgette,3 carrots that were so small I could have worn them as a brooch,lol and 4 of my tomatoes that are refusing to go red.Also 5 potatoes,that I grew from kitchen scraps.I gently friend the tomatoes,onion,garlic clove and courgette,with a tiny bit of oil and water then threw them in the 50 year old saucepan I have,with all the rest of the veg adding whatever dried herbs I had,lol.It turned out lovely!.Years ago I would have looked in the fridge,thrown those last few bits away and gone shopping for food..oh I also added half a tin of beans and chickpeas.But now my fridge and cupboards are nearly empty before I part with my money!...Very pleased to hear that Heidi is doing well.Its always a worry when a vet visit is due,but such a relive when every thing is fine!.I am just watching my Lily cat and she is playing with a piece of dressing gown cord and pawing it around the living room.Who needs expensive toys for animals,lol.Well the weekend is nearly here so I hope that the sun shines for you all.Have a great time,what ever you are doing!,xx

  6. Perfect meal, I love a one pot, everything goes in, they taste so good.

  7. Aldi must vary there offers from store to store, where I live you can always buy 5 bananas for 39p. not a special offer, a permanent price.

  8. I found a bag of tomatoes on our door step this week, I wish I knew who to thank! Your stew looks lovely we could happily survive on stew and thick soups... Yummy!

  9. Hi Ilona so pleased Heidi is fine. Love to Mayze and Oscar too. MY two fur babies Amy and Benny are ok at present they have had flea treatment and worm treatment. Like you Ilona i love my two cats and do my very best for them. Loved your meal tonight there are some mushrooms left over onions and a few veg so its this tonight with grated cheese. Want to thank you for giving us all ideas on how to be frugal. You are brilliant at using up what you have. This is the way to economise. Have a lovely weekend lots of love Liz Amy and Benny.xxxxx

  10. Now autumn is approaching this is just the sort of food I like to eat and as you have said, you can put literally anything into a stew or soup. I am going to 'clear out the fridge' of nearly going-off veggies etc and make some meals for the freezer over the weekend.


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