Thursday, 26 September 2019

Look after yourself.

I have been thinking about how many people are becoming victims of bag snatchers. It is happening in town centres, anywhere in fact, thieves are looking for opportunities to rob people. It has never happened to me yet, thank goodness, but it could, it can happen to anybody. I made this video to show the different bags I use, and how I try and keep myself safe.

I am still waiting for the winner of the button competition to send me their postal address, so, PJ Kincaid, where are you?

Toodle pip. ilona


  1. common sense Ilona. I think the key message in that video was be aware. Take care .

  2. Thank you for this excellent video - yes, be aware!

  3. Very sensible and useful advice Ilona. Thanks for sharing x

  4. I am always on my guard now because these things have happened to me,quite a few times in the past.Once even in London when I had my Daughter and 2 pushchairs with my Grandaughters in them.Each time,I have kicked up a load of fuss,shouting,drawing attention to what is happening and they have ran away with nothing.I also have a rape alarm which is so loud it hurts your ears.Just pull the small pin out of it.My things like money,phone are carried in a small leather bag which is next to my body...My backpack normally just has some water and a cheese sandwich made with yellow sticker they are welcome to that,lol.Maybe if the courts gave heavier sentences,like locking these scumbags up for 25 years,it maybe wouldnt happen so often....but there isnt any deterrent for them.They have no fear of the courts.I will admit that I also carry a small can of hair spray,because of what has happened to us in the past.If needed I would spray it straight into their eyes and mouth which should knock them back a bit.Sorry but thats how it is these days.Happening every day in Leicester,muggings,stabbings.These sort of sub humans need taking of the streets for a very long time....xx

  5. A lot of good sense Ilona. I always put my key on a large safety pin in my pocket when I am shopping, never keep it in my bag, even thou I have a key lock on my front door.
    Hazel c uk

  6. Sad isn't it that we feel like this a far cry from being able to go out leave the door open like when we were kids.Think i need to be more vigilant you always make sense.watched this in bed had to get up after to make sure I'd locked the door lol

    1. Years and years ago,I hadnt use to worry to much about putting the extra locks on the door.We had a big wooden door put on and thought that it was pretty much safe.Then for some reason we started using the other locks,when we went to bed and when we left the house.We came back once to find dents around the door and the door frame,where some one had tried to get in by just pushing a screw driver between the yale lock and the door frame.If the dead lock further down the door hadnt been on as well they would have got in.It seems these days they just give the door a kick at the bottom and they can tell if the dead lock is on or not.If not and you have an ordinary yale lock,the screw driver will slide the yale lock across and they have got access to your home!.Please use every lock you can in your homes.It might take a minute longer for you to unlock them when you come home,but at least it keeps the scum out from destroying your home and your life.xx

  7. I always carry a cross body bag. Good advice to tie a scarf around and through it for extra security. I think it is essential to be aware of your surroundings and the tips you give will deter opportunists. The sad reality is that if someone really wants to rob you they will and I think I would hand over my possessions if threatened with a weapon.

  8. Good info! In really crowded situations in iffy places it is good to move your backpback to your front. I am very strong on wearing a concealed money belt when traveling to hold your passport,emergency money and credit cards etc. I liked your homemade one.

  9. A lot of sensible advice, don't make it easy for them. It's also just one of the reasons why I don't use cash so much anymore - anything stolen (or lost) you won't get back unless it's returned. Credit and debit cards will be covered for any loses.

  10. It is sad we have to take these precautions these day. Glad you are keeping yourself and valuables safe.

  11. Also what do you all think about personal alarms? I carry one attached to the strap of my handbag. If the cord is pulled it is deafening. Do you have one Ilona?


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