Tuesday, 1 February 2022

First Walking Group check in for 2022.

Good morning. Guess what? It's the first day of a new month, and it's check in time for the members of the International Walking Group. I think our numbers are shrinking because people move on to other activities. But there are a few of us left I think. I will continue anyway because exercise is part of my life now. It's what I do. 
I finished January on 101 miles. More than I needed to, but the sunny days we were lucky to have encouraged me to go out more. 
So how are you doing? Is anybody going to join me this year? Let us know if you are. We might be a smaller group but I think there are enough of us to carry this on for another year. 
A pic taken from the upstairs window this morning. Apologies for the quality. The window needs cleaning and the sun was in the wrong place. The new tarpaulin is fastened down. I have a lot of those heavy duty market stall clips so they are holding it tight front and back. The sides have bungee elastics for now but I am not keen on them spoiling the look of the outside, so I will move them to the inside. I may still go ahead and order a better cover for it, it depends on how this one holds out in the wind and rain. At least the roof is watertight for now. 
Now I must feed the cats, and get my own breakfast. The sun is out, it's a Billy walk day today. For those who are interested in following the current situation I will be adding a few extra bits and pieces to the existing posts. 
We'll catch up later. Thanks for popping in, and let's see how many miles you have done for January. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello Ilona,
    Happy to mention I will be a member of your walking group for another year, my sixth, although I have to start with just a little walk on the days my body feels right.
    Cycling is also part of my 'moving program'. That's causing me less problems than walking.
    In January I only walked 14 kilometres but made cycling tours up to a total of 64 kilometres.
    So I am on the move again and that's a blessing for my body, mind and daily structure.

    Cheers, Jeanneke.

    1. Hello Jeanneke. Good to have you back. Thank you for checking in. Listen to your body, it will tell you how much to do.

  2. I've done a total of 81 miles. Just shy of my target so I will have to get cracking this month! Summerhouse looks great I hope it all holds up ok against the elements. It's bonkers windy here today.

    1. Hello Karen. That's near enough. Yes, get cracking, only 28 days in this month.

  3. Getting a late start only 36.6 miles for January. I think I will make my 12/31/2022 goal 700 😊😊😊

    1. Hello Tammy. That sounds like a good number to me. Divide your total up by 12, and try and hit the targets every month.

  4. I managed to walk (or snowshoe) 83 miles despite the high temperature being below freezing for the first 30 days of January. Yesterday was bright sunshine and a few degrees above freezing so I only wore 3 layers instead of four. :-) Still having Achilles problems, though. This is my third year, and I'm planning on continuing.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Hello Sheila. Well done for recognising that keeping fit is a long term thing. The effort you put into it will pay dividends later.

  5. 74 miles for me,Ilona. That's from my fitness tracker, though, so includes all walking around as well as going out for walks. Haven't found a way to map my actual walks yet as I'm not that computer savvy! Ger in Ireland

    1. Hello Ger. I have just been watching Daniel from Mossy Bottom in Sligo. Have you seen him on yoootooob? He bought some land and is becoming self sufficient. Very enjoyable to keep up with him.

      You can count your miles in whatever way suits you best.

    2. Thanks, Ilona. I will have a look at Mossy Bottom. I'm in Tipperary and have never been to Sligo!

  6. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers
    January miles are a disappointing 56 miles. We have had snow and temps that are much too cold to venture out. Today (Feb 1) I was able to walk but the ice storm followed by possibly another 18" of snow that is moving in tomorrow will probably stifle walks for the remainder of the week.
    Looking forward to hearing what everyone has been up to.

    1. Hello Kay. Bad weather makes it more difficult to keep up. Don't risk falling on ice. Plenty of time to catch up.

  7. Email from Hilo.

    Good afternoon!
    Greetings from sunny Arizona. I figured out I cannot leave blog comments using my IPad so I will email for now. Total miles walked in January: 63. Weather was better than most of the world so I won’t complain ;). On days that my knee didn’t feel great I would split the walking into half mile sections so I was able to get the miles done. Thanks for keeping the walking group going! Most days I see a man I know from our neighborhood walking, he walks five miles a day. When I asked him why he walks, he said “I like pie, walking makes it possible to eat pie and keep a good weight”. I smile every time I see him ;)
    Thanks again,
    Hilo in Arizona.

    1. Hello Hilo. Good idea to do some shorter walks rather than one longer one. That was a good answer from the man who likes pies.

  8. Hello C. welcome aboard. The aim is to design your own routine to get yourself fit and healthy. You will reap the benefits if you stick with it.

  9. Happy February Ilona - I did 146 miles in January, so I'm on target. Here's to another good year of walking. Cheers, Allison

    1. Hello Allison. That's an amazing start to the year. Well done.

  10. We have had really nasty weather, cold, wet, and windy. So I just managed 67 miles, but I hope I will do better when the days are getting longer and there might even be a bit of sun!
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hello Hilde. 67 is a good number. You're on your way. Every little helps. Just keep adding to it.

  11. No problems with walking at any time of the year in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. People joke about the weather in Melbourne being four seasons in a day, but it rarely is. I consider myself fortunate that most of my walking is in the company of my wife, my daughter or both, so there's a reason not to let the side down. I walk at least three miles each day no matter what, so I'm on target at the end of January. Pleased to see you were above target ilona. All the very best for the coming months from, Charlie.

    1. Hello Charlie. It's nice that you have company for your walks. Support from family is a bonus. Well done.

  12. So jealous I wish I could walk the distances you all do, I used to walk miles till I got a back injury,I can usually manage a couple of miles but having a set back so I can just about manage around the block with the dog! Love hearing about your adventures and every one else's Mary

    1. Hello Mary. Let's see how many 'around the blocks' you can do in a year. There you are, your own personal challenge. Your dog will be happy to join in.

    2. Ha ha ha, yes I do plan to upgrade my walks to some woods and fields,even if it takes me all day,just so annoying as I used to walk miles and miles,I would like to aim for hadrians wall sorry if spelt wrong,always wanted to walk it even if I have to do it with some kind of trail walker thing 😀 mary

  13. Me and my 4 year old walked 92 miles in January. We are both very happy with that number!

  14. Hello Ilona,
    Hope the roof of the summerhouse is ok now. We had quite a storm yesterday, but today a beautiful sunny day, felt like spring.
    My total of jan. is 96,5 miles.
    See you have a 4year old member in the IWG now. He or she did very well for a 4year old.
    Greetings from the Netherlands.

    1. Hello guusje. Good to hear from you. Fantastic start for you. Spring is round the corner.

  15. Hi Ilona. I'm going a 56 mile challenge for February for Refuge. Can I still count this as part of your challenge please?

    1. Hello Linda. Yes yes yes. Well done for doing a charity walk, and yes, it all counts.

  16. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers. Pleased to be joining in again this year. Not setting a specific target for my kilometres to walk this year, but will be doing what I always do and walk whenever I can. So far for January (between the heat, humidity and rain) have clocked up 153 klm. Will see what the coming months bring eh! Happy New Year everyone!
    Joy Central Vic Australia

    1. Hello joy. Thanks for checking in. Any walking you do is a bonus. Just keep adding the numbers up.

  17. Hi Ilona. I decided that I would join your walking group this year with a small, but reach-able target(for me) of 240 km. January and February are hard months here in Ontario, Canada and I only managed 17km for January. However, I will persevere and hopefully get closer to my target during the nicer months of the year. You inspire me to get my lazy butt off the recliner chair and get moving. Thank you.

    1. Hello Kelly. You might have had a gentle start but there is plenty of time to build on that. If I was there I would kick your butt.

  18. Hello Ilona--I'm still here with the IWG! I did 68 miles in January.
    I'm late checking in as I've been busy with house guests who left this morning. When checking my email, I found that as of February 1, my antivirus software (Norton) has deemed you to be a "suspicious link" and is sending your emails to my spam folder. This could be happening to others, and maybe why you're not hearing from the usual number.

    1. Hello Leslie. I can't explain why the emails are going to the wrong folder. I don't have anything to do with that. I would suggest that you skip email notifications and just visit the blogs/sites whenever you remember and have a few minutes spare on the computer. That's what I do. I don't get any email notifications at all. I have a few listed in my favourites. If don't have time to look I catch up later.

      When my comment numbers go down, it's usually because people are fed up with me. I don't care, it's their choice. Good luck with the walking.

  19. Sorry it's late. I did 87 miles in January. Not a bad start.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.