Friday, 19 August 2011

53 miles and a couple of bargains

That's my five days walking done and dusted. I got the bus into town today, and walked the five miles back, not much I know but I only wanted to reach my target of 50 miles, which I have done, plus 3. I won't be doing that much every week, I am too busy and can't spare the time, but I need to get into some kind of exercise routine. Perhaps I should start power walking up and down the hill again, I haven't done it for a while.

I paid my credit card bill at the bank. I always post a cheque into the box inside the bank. It was a bigee because it had three hotel costs on it from the long walk, but it was paid in full as usual. I also had an hour in the library reading all the magazines for free.

Because I was walking home I couldn't buy very much. I didn't intend to buy anything at all but these were too good to miss. We have a market stall which has cheap food, it's part of Barnes Cash and Carry which I sometimes call in on the way home. I like these Flapjacks as a filler if I get hungry while out, sometimes I buy them from Holland and Barrett at 75p each. These are six for £1 which makes them 17p each. A bargain, and they aren't out of date till December.

I have been looking for a fleece body warmer for ages, and today I found one in the Scope charity shop. It was £4, but reduced to £2 on the Sale rail. It will come in very handy when it gets a bit colder. I'm pleased with my bargains.

I've just eaten my dinner which was the same as yesterday, only bigger. Now I'm stuffed. Toodle pip, catch you tomorrow.


  1. You always seem to be busy anyway Ilona, I'm sure you keep fit without doing extra exercise. Well done finding those bargains.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.