Thursday, 22 September 2022

A bit of Hadrians Wall :o)

I left Hexham at 1pm to go in search of Hadrians Wall. Over the bridge and join the A69 for a mile or so, then turn right onto the A6079. A couple of miles up there and you get to the B6318, this runs alongside the Wall for many miles. 
I looked for a brown tourist sign and pulled into a car park, and found there was a charge for parking and another charge to look at some ruins. Nope, don't want to do that. I drove for another few miles and pulled in again at another car park. This looks promising. The machine would not accept cash for a parking ticket, card only. There was a visitor centre, English Heritage owns it, and there was a charge to go through to see the ruins of an ancient building. 
I spoke to the person who was promoting English Heritage membership. Said I only want to have a walk along the Wall. He made the very helpful suggestion to drive a couple of miles further on and look for the car park at steel Rigg. I did that and found a machine that would take my coins, £4 for three hours.  
It was hard to make a video because of the wind, so my apologies that it is short. The path is very well marked, off I went for a walk. 
There is the Wall, can you see a small red dot, the jacket of someone walking up the steps. 

I am heading over there. 
On the top of the first of many hills looking down. The Wall is very wide. 
On the top of the second hill looking down at where I have come from. Now getting some lovely views. 
Heading over there to the small lake. 
Let's have a closer look. I am grateful for the sit down on the Wall to rest my legs. 
I went further along there until my legs felt wobbly. It got steeper and so I turned back because I didn't think it was a good idea to risk stumbling on the uneven rocky path. I took the low level walk back to the car. 
The sheep are used to people trekking through their territory. 
I was a bit cold when I got back to the car. First things first, let's have a mug of hot minestrone soup to warm up. It was surprisingly delicious, thank you Aldi. 
Time to move on. I had seen the iconic Sycamore Gap Tree from the road, so I went back to photograph it. You know how I love trees. It was in the 1991 Robin Hood film, Prince of Thieves. Check out Wiki for more information.
Time for breakfast, I have things to do today. We will catch up later. Where did I go next? On the road again. Where did I sleep that night? At this point my plans changed. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Wow, what a great walk and set of photos, had never heard of the lone tree, so did the wiki research link you provided, Thank you! Hilogene in Az

    1. I haven't seen the Robin Hood film but I read about the tree. It looks very lonely standing there in that dip. A perfect location for a film I would say.

  2. Ilona, your pictures of Hadrian's Wall are very interesting. The Roman's built it to keep my ancestors in the tribes to the north out.

    1. I don't follow much history, but the achievements of building a wall that long and that wide are very impressive.

  3. Oh ilona I do enjoy your
    Adventures. My Adrian passed on Tuesday morning and we had so many plans. Plans we'll never do now
    You have always lifted me up. And have been
    An inspiration knowing that the way forward will be justhe me god bless you

    1. I am sorry to hear about your sad news. When you are ready you must look closely at the plans you made together. Maybe you could achieve some of them in his memory. Take him along with you inside your heart. Lots of love. xxx

  4. I find your adventures so inspiring, both here and on YouTube. Thank you for posting so regularly!

    1. Thank you. This is the message I want to convey. No matter how topsy turvy things become world wide, we have a duty to ourselves to create the best life that we can for ourselves.

  5. I love going on your adventures with you, l am limited now in my mobility, but am with you in spirit, Thank

    1. Follow me kiddo. I will show you the way :-)

  6. Beautiful scenery, thank you for taking us with you. I have visited Scotland but not nearly as much as I have wanted to - have a bad back now so long walking trips are out of the question for me. Thanks again.

    1. It is one year since I went to Scotland. I want to go back.

  7. Hello Ilona, very thank for pictures of Hadrian Wall, it is very famous historical building.I have never seen it and thank to you I could see it.My father who studied law, sometimes mentioned this because he had to study Roman law and remembered about the border of Roman Empire, greetings from ann

    1. The Wall will forever have a place in history. Law is so complex, everything that happened in the past shapes us for the future.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.