Friday, 23 September 2022

A change of plan.

After the three hour visit to Hadrians Wall, I set off west to look for a bed for the night. I drove to Haltwhistle, couldn't see anything to tempt me. I had a look at Brampton, nothing there which took my fancy. By this time I was wondering if the trek to Carlisle and beyond was going to be worth it. The plan was to find the end of Hadrians Wall at Solway Firth. Time was getting on and it looked like it was going to be another night in the car. 
I pushed on to Carlisle and hit the busy streets. At that point I decided to abandon the plan to drive straight through it. Just get me out of here. I really needed to know that I could find a guaranteed parking place. I picked up the sign for the M6 Motorway. A few miles south is Southwaite Services. I realised that I didn't need to look at any more of the Wall. It's just a pile of stones, and I would much rather visit small towns and villages. So Southwaite it was. 
The next morning after coffee and a shower I set off and left the Motorway at Penrith. I haven't been to Alston before so that might be a better plan. I chose the road A686. There were lots of twists and turns as it climbed to the highest point. 
I came into the village of Langworthby and stopped to have a look.   
Bridge over the River Eden.
The Shepherds Inn on the Village Green. 

Langwathby Railway Station.

I carried on a bit further to Melmerby. 
The Old School at Melmerby.
Church of St John the Babtist. Melmerby.
It's amazing what you come across. Llama basking in the sunshine. 

This ostrich came right up close to me. I stepped back in case it decided to peck me. 
Keep driving up and up, and stop at the viewing point. I think there used to be a cafe there, but there isn't one now. It was a popular place to stop. Bikers pulled in, and a group of classic car enthusiasts pulled in

I parked on the edge, what a view. 
Am I nearly at the end of this holiday? No not yet, it goes on and on. Pictures of Alston on the next blog post. 
Catch ya soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I'm loving your photos Ilona. These places are very familiar to me as we have a week in Keswick every year and travel over Hartside pass and Alston to get there.
    Your pictures of the Wall are beautiful and show the area off really well. Thanks for letting us share with you.

  2. What a lovely time you are having, Ilona, and thank you for showing us your pictures. As you are prepared to be flexible and are ready to park up for the night you are able to visit so many interesting places in areas that are not always on the tourist trail. Looking forward to your next post.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. I don't like rigid plans. Always leave the end of the holiday open to either cut it short and go home, or add another day to it. I am in touch with my cat sitter and always let her know what time I am coming back.

  3. That ostrich head photo is amazing!! Such pretty feathers. I really enjoy seeing your pictures of these older buildings in little towns. Thank you!

    1. Some people like endless mountains and hills. I like the variety of villages and small towns.

  4. I know Alston as the place that a work colleague retired to some years ago - he had had enough of civilisation and wanted the isolation there. Not sure how he felt after a couple of really bad winters, being cut off for days on end by snow, though.

    1. Ha ha. I imagine it would be. It's very hilly with cobbled streets. Snow is very pretty when it first appears, but rather annoying if it lingers and restricts movements. I couldn't live in the Arctic.

  5. Hello, congratulations beautiful photos, fantastic liama and ostrich, very intelligent animals, greetings from anna

    1. This ostrich came straight to me when I appeared at the gate. Thank you Anna. Nice to hear from you.

  6. Small old villages are so much more charming than a stone wall :)

    1. Yes, I agree. A stone wall is a stone wall is a stone wall. Ha ha.

  7. The A686 is a wonderfully scenic route. I’ve driven along it quite a few times in the past and have always pulled in at the viewing point to admire the view. I believe the cafe burnt down. Alston is lovely so I’m looking forward to seeing your photos.

  8. We have a friend who has just sold their house in Alston. They lived outside the town in a beautiful hamlet. They had lived up there for nearly 30 years. Sadly Mr died and Mrs had to sell up as her sight is not so good and as you say the winter can be harsh.
    The cafe at the top of Hartside burnt down and for a time there was mobile coffee van. In the winter time it looks so bleak up there, when it's not covered with snow.
    Looking forward to seeing your photos.

    1. Sometimes circumstances dictate that there might be a better solution and one has to make a move. It's sad that memories are left behind.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.