Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Out with the old, in with the new.

Hello. It's getting late and Oscar is on the desk beside me. He likes a cuddle in the evening. Mayze is having a drink from the tray under the table, and Mau Mau is in the summerhouse.
The scarecrow is taking shape, it has a head, and some padding on its wooden body. As yet there are no legs. Maybe it won't have any legs. I need a hat for it, maybe I will have to make one. Since this picture was taken it now has a face. Next it needs some hair. It won't be like a traditional scarecrow which is usually filled with straw. I will stuff it with some mesh onion sacks and fruit bags, and old socks. 
Lunch today was steamed vegetables, topped with half a tin of mushy peas. I made two portions of vegetables and have eaten the second portion tonight with pasta and mayo. 

I had a sort out of the wardrobes today, and this pile went to Scope Charity Shop. I needed to make room for the new togs I bought from Go Outdoors. It was good to move on stuff that I haven't worn for ages and would probably never wear again. 
I've been looking everywhere for Coffee Mate, it seems to have disappeared from the shelves. I've looked in all the usual places. Today I looked in Iceland for it. Not a shop I usually go in. Bingo, they had some. 1kg for £4.50, I bought two. That will keep me going for a while. I don't like black coffee. 
A reminder. There are three days left of this month, how is your walking challenge going? I am on target to reach the 750 mile mark. Check in day is on Saturday. 

Oscar is getting restless, I think he wants to go out. Thanks for popping in. We will catch up soon. Toodle pip.  ilona. 


  1. Watching your videos from Ireland and really enjoying them.
    I just watched one you made of your bedroom/art gallery. Such beautiful artwork, so colourful, you really have alot of talent.
    I find your videos very calming and filled with useful advice.
    Thank you

    1. Hello Bernie. I am just me, what you see is what you get. Simplicity is my middle name. My art is wrapped up to keep it clean. I will get it out again another day when the time is right.

  2. It was Tuesday today 10% off for the over 60s in Iceland. Hope you got your discount.

    1. I didn't because it is not one of my regular shops. I didn't know about it. Mind you, now I know it will not encourage me to go there every Tuesday looking for bargains.

    2. Applies in the food warehouse as well. I find this is a good place for pet food, which is even better with a discount.

  3. Re CoffeeMate - had noticed some time ago that the Tesco own brand had vanished from their shelves, however Sainsbury's still have their own brand on sale and it is every bit as good as CoffeeMate.

    1. I was in Sainsburys a few weeks ago and looked for Coffee Mate. Didn't think to try supermarkets own brand. Thanks for the tip off.

  4. I bet your scarecrow will be so cute!

    1. At the moment it's looking a bit like Cruella thingymabob. whatshername.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.