Friday, 30 September 2022

Horses for courses

Good morning. I noticed that John of Going Gently is studying counselling. This has prompted me to dig out my coursework from an Introduction to Counselling course I did in 1999. At the time I had recently moved to the area and didn't know many people. I reckoned that if I did some evening classes at college it would be a good opportunity to get me circulating with likeminded people. 
I had already completed a Stress Management course at Keel University before I left my home in the Midlands, and later on I did a GCSE Psychology course after I moved up north. Prior to the 1999 course I did a ten week course on Community Work Skills. I still have the notes for that. 
When I started this counselling course I had to hand write a lot, then I went back to school and did an Introduction to Computers course. I bought a computer which made writing up the notes a lot easier. 
I keep my notes for reference, they are a great reminder for a subject that I am interested in. 

Some of the things we looked at for this course.
The Counselling Environment. I chose to visit a local funeral directors room where they speak to clients who have been bereaved. Location and size of the room, the decor and colours used, the furniture, and the lighting. I took photographs and drew a plan of the room. 
We looked at Maslows hierarchy of needs, personal identity, and self fulfillment. Carl Rogers thought that we have an ideal self, the person we would like to be. 
We studied listening, and how it can be exhaustive. 
We studied non verbal behaviour and body language. We tend to judge people on how they look rather than what they say. 
We talked about groups and how they work. Exploring self help groups. I talked about groups I had joined or had started myself. 
Crisis counselling, winding up a counselling relationship, and extra reading was covered.  
When I look back at my notes, things that are happening now click into place. It all makes sense to me. I am glad I took these extra courses.  
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up later. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Are you left -handed like me. Your handwriting lean backwards just like mine, very common if you are left-handed. I thought you were a working class hero but your not, you have gone to the university. I have also done some extra courses att evenings att the university, just to learn more and keep the brain going

    1. No, not left handed. It's how I have always written.

      I am proud to be working class. Left school at 15, we couldn't afford further education, not that I wanted to anyway. Started work, shops, offices, and factories in the early days. I needed to contribute to the family pot. Later I realised I had maybe missed out, so did some night classes.

  2. I signed up for an Open University course in English once. O got so far into it and decided distance learning was not for me. I wasn't disciplined enough to set time aside for it. I prefer a classroom setting with a real teacher.

    Have a look at what courses are available at your local college if you have one. What are your main interests, your hobbies. What about hairdressing. People will always need to get a haircut.

  3. Your handwriting is beautiful! I loved taking courses in college. I kind of miss it. Perhaps I should look into a few classes.

    1. No harm in looking. Check out the subjects to see if any takes your fancy.

  4. How wonderful you kept your notes and showed them here. Hopefully John of Going Gently will see this post. You could offer him your notes to give him a head start

    1. I think John is much further ahead of the game than I am. He works in a caring profession, and has been a volunteer Samaritan longer than I have. He will sail through it and get his diploma. I wish him well.

    2. I had no idea you were a volunteer with Samaritans….deep respect for that

    3. Thank you. It was quite a lot of years ago, I did it at the Derby branch.

  5. I too took Psychology, Interviewing and Counselling Skills courses. I coordinated a police based Victim Assistance Program which was the second most fulfilling job I've had. There is a big need out there, especially these days, for people with listening ears to hear others' vent.
    Margaret from Canada

    1. Hello Margaret. You are so right. I don't read fiction or watch fiction television and films. Real life with real people is much more interesting.

  6. Agree 100%. Distance/on-line courses are not for everyone. A big part of education for me is the going to new environments and physically being in a classroom.

  7. You have really put your computer course to a great use for all of us in writing your blog.

    1. The computer is a good invention, but it's important not to let it take over your life. It should assist learning, but having discipline to walk away from it is very important.


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