Monday, 16 November 2020

A lot of logs

 Good evening. I did five miles this afternoon, and I have hit the target of 916 miles for eleven months. Which means I can have the rest of the month off, of course I won't. Best foot forward, keep going.

For lunch today I had mushrooms and fresh egg noodles. Underneath this is a secret, a helping of steamed vegetables, I made two portions last night in the steamer pan. My goodness it was lovely. 

I discovered the reason for the huge logs placed across the path along the bottom of the wood. They have been busy there, chopping trees down. What a sad sight it looks. I suppose there is a reason for it. The wood is going to look pretty sparse after this. They did the same thing a few years ago. It will recover, but it looks awful now. 

All down to money I should think, wonder how much they will get for this lot. 

Brrrrrrr, it was flippin cold. Big jacket, woolly hat, and furry hood. 
The windfarm blades were not moving even though it was windy. Maybe they have enough electricity and they have switched them off.. 
I was rather hoping that this lot had been taken away. It was reported two weeks ago, a load of books, cd's, dvd's, and tapes. Such a shame they weren't picked up and relocated to a charity shop when they were first dumped. Now they are weather damaged. 
Thanks very much for popping in, now it's time for dinner. 
We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I live in an apartment building for older folks. We have a library area where people donate and borrow books. Sadly we have one lady here who will take it into her head that certain books are not being read or are just garbage in her mind, like romances, and she will take bags full and throw them in the trash. Not as bad as leaving stuff in piles in the woods, but still its annoying when items can go to a charity shop. I've added a box with a sign just for that purpose but so far no one has put anything in it. But I haven't seen any in the trash dumpster either.
    I've also organized the books by genre, much easier to find the kind you are looking for now. One fellow calls me the librarian, LOL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My apologies, what I meant was at home and I wished were sweet dreams...

  4. I know that wood is necessary for building, for floors and wallframes, for furniture too, but I'm always sad to see trees cut down. What really upsets me is when trees are cut down needlessly, when entire tracts of land are razed to build acres of highrise flats for instance, without even room for gardens.

    1. I have seen a lot of this kind of logging in different parts of the country. I hope they replace them with new trees.

  5. Your dinner looks nice and has given me a longing for mushrooms.And I havent got one in the house unless the fungi growing on a tree stump in the garden counts,lol.It is such a shame bout the trees having to come down,There have been loads removed from the top of my road over the last 3 years because they have built a huge housing estate.It used to be fields where the kids played football.They used to hold a big fete every year as well and it was full of wildlife...Who in their right mind though would dump a load of books knowing full well that within a day it would be just another rubbish tip?.Just what goes into their heads when they do this?.I have noticed on my walks fast food containers,beer cans just dumped sometimes in the middle of the main road.Some people just dont care!..Talking of walks,I have now got into a new routine of leaving home about 1.30 and returning about 4.It is the afternoons that seem to drag for me,so it gives me something to aim for after I have done the usual mundane stuff around the house!xx

    1. I prefer going for a walk in the afternoon. There is always something more important to deal with in the morning. When that is done, I go out.

  6. Hopefully this is a well managed woodland, if it is the gaps they have left will soon be filled with naturally growing young saplings. Woodlands do take a lot more management than most people realise and trees have to be cut if others are to grow to full potential.

    There is absolutely no excuse for dumped books, DVDs and CDs though. WHY do people think they have the right to just fly-tip stuff. :-(

    1. Some of the fly tipping is from a man and van scenario, one who charges people to take away and dispose of their rubbish. If there is evidence of which house it came from the owners can be prosecuted, if the van can't be traced. People should think twice about getting someone in to take their rubbish away.


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